
3 unusual facts about Antisemitism in Ukraine

Antisemitism in Ukraine

His defence, led by the French lawyer Henri Torres, focused on Petliura's alleged responsibility for the 1919–1920 pogroms in Balta in which Schwartzbard had previously lost all members of his family.

In 1921 Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky, the father of Revisionist Zionism, signed an agreement with Maxim Slavinsky, Petliura's representative in Prague, regarding the formation of a Jewish gendarmerie which would accompany Petliura’s putative invasion of Ukraine and protect the Jewish population from pogroms.

In December 1918 Hetman of the Ukrainian State Pavlo Skoropadskyi was deposed and the Directorate (also called Directoria) was established as the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic (abbreviated UNR).

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