The incidents seeking to force out the region’s non-Muslim residents first began in Çanakkale, where Jews received unsigned letters telling them to leave the city, and then escalated into an antisemitic campaign involving economic boycotts and verbal assaults as well as physical violence against the Jews living in the various provinces of Thrace.
When Hayat, Nathan and Dr. Shah go to the mosque to see the imam about Nathan converting, he preaches an anti-Semitic khutbah, devastating Nathan.
In 1911 it published a text which was written by internationally known anti-Semite Theodor Fritsch, and translated by the Norwegian anti-Semitic writer Eivind Saxlund.
During one of his many lectures, he said in Meissen in 1929, referring to the increasing antisemitic agitation by some right-wing parties: Love is the order of the day in the relationship between Catholics and Protestant, and also to our Jewish fellow citizens.
The Tories are carrying an antisemitic caricature of a Jew, a reference to recent legislation passed by the Whig government which allowed greater freedom to Jews.
When she began attending public school, gentile students called her anti-Semitic slurs.
Our Race Will Rule Undisputed Over The World is a speech often cited in antisemitic propaganda, supposedly given by a Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich.
Years ago, when Baruch was still a child, he watched his Jewish parents get beaten to death by an anti-semitic mob.
Author Judith Sackville-O'Donnell, who wrote another book on Ikey Solomon, claimed that the book was inaccurate and anti-Semitic.
Antisemitism | antisemitism | Antisemitism in the Arab world | Antisemitism and the New Testament |
In 2010, alleged antisemitism among Muslims in Malmö received media attention after a controversial interview with the then city's mayor, Ilmar Reepalu.
He was honored by the Nazis as a great national poet, based on occasional antisemitic statements (particularly in Aschenbrödel), and on his nationalistic portrayal of German history, like Die Hermannsschlacht on the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
After World War I, Eckart edited the antisemitic periodical Auf gut Deutsch ("In good German"), working with Alfred Rosenberg and Gottfried Feder.
He explained his change of political affiliation was due to his support of the Affordable Care Act following his stroke and hospitalization, and his view that Texas Republican tea party activists had shown their antisemitism through opposition of Texas House Speaker Joe Strauss, who is Jewish like Large.
Ferrand Martinez (fl. 14th century) was a Spanish cleric and archdeacon of Écija most noted for being an antisemitic agitator whom historians cite as the prime mover behind the series of pogroms against the Spanish Jews in 1391 beginning in the city of Seville.
His involvement with extreme right-wing politics also influenced his work; a major part of his Marat ou le mensonge des mots (1941) consists of a virulent attack on Marat, whom he describes as a "semite", riddled with classic antisemitic themes of the day.
Brian Klug argues that this definition proscribed legitimate criticism of the human rights record of the Israeli Government by attempting to bring criticism of Israel into the category of antisemitism, and does not sufficiently distinguish between criticism of Israeli actions and criticism of Zionism as a political ideology, on the one hand, and racially based violence towards, discrimination against, or abuse of, Jews.
Gerhard Kittel (September 23, 1888, Breslau – July 11, 1948, Tübingen) was a German Protestant theologian, lexicographer of biblical languages, and open anti-Semite.
Backed by the Pan-German League, the party was founded close to the end of 1917 and represented conservative, nationalist, antisemitic and völkisch political circles, united in their opposition against the Reichstag Peace Resolution of July 19.
Of interest: the liner notes to his first CD were written Umberto Eco and he collaborated with Luciano Berio in the writing of the music of a stage show against antisemitism.
Scholars who study British fascism and antisemitism frequently cite her 1978 book Political Anti-Semitism in England 1918-1939—a revision of her thesis submitted to St Antony's College, Oxford.
He also guest-starred as a Jewish radical in an unusually dramatic episode of All in the Family, working with the Hebrew Defense Association, an organization whose goal it was to stop antisemitism in the neighborhood.
The antisemitic communal violence began on August 2, 1819 in Würzburg and soon reached the outer regions of the German Confederation.
Seipel's antisemitic manners were the pattern for the character of Chancellor Dr. Schwerdtfeger in Hugo Bettauer's 1922 novel Die Stadt ohne Juden (The City Without Jews), picturized by Hans Karl Breslauer in 1924.
In 1998, an article in the newspaper Karavan accused Aimbetov of using his paper as a platform to publish antisemitic materials; Kazakhskaya Pravda filed suit against Karavan in response and won ₸260,000 in compensation.
Strom was a close associate of University of Illinois Classics professor and nationalist writer Revilo P. Oliver, who has been described as "one of America's most notorious fascists" and, according to B'nai Brith Canada, was "a long time proponent of antisemitism".
The effectiveness of the NCLC is seen in the success in building single-issue alliances with the far right and anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby, Black Muslim movements and conservative Teamsters Union officials.
It was the party of Prime Ministers Armand Călinescu, Gheorghe Argeşanu, Constantin Argetoianu, Gheorghe Tătărescu and Ion Gigurtu, whose regimes were associated with corporatism and antisemitism.
He attended lycée in Nice, France, and graduated in Letters (1937) and Law (1940) from the University of Paris (his Law thesis dealt with the antisemitic legislation passed by the governments of King Carol II in Romania).
William Korey, Russian Antisemitism, Pamyat, and the Demonology of Zionism, Harwood Academic Pub, 2007
Michael Hagemeister:"Sergei Nilus" in Antisemitism. A Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution vol.
He was one of the strongest and most forthright voices in the Polish Catholic Church for tolerance and mutual understanding, and was intensely devoted to combating antisemitism and xenophobia.
He wrote numerous articles in Gazeta Wyborcza, Midrasz, and Polin on antisemitism, Catholic-Jewish relations, and issues between Poland and world Jewry.
The reasons include antisemitism, anglophobia, fear of Bolsheviks and Soviet invasion, the desire for power, and simple caution.
She contents that similarities between Luther's anti-Jewish writings, especially On the Jews and Their Lies, and modern anti-Semitism are no coincidence, because they derived from a common history of Judenhass (Jew-hatred), which she traces back to the biblical Haman's advice to Ahasuerus.
It drew support from prominent Zionist Theodor Herzl as a temporary means of refuge for Russian Jews facing antisemitism.
The organization is best known to the general public for a number of high-profile lawsuits that it brings against people or organizations that it deems overly permissive of antisemitism, such as the case of LICRA v. Yahoo!.
Humani generis unitas was a planned encyclical of Pope Pius XI before his death on February 10, 1939, which condemned antisemitism, racism and the persecution of Jews.
It urges Catholics to repent "of past errors and infidelities" and "renew the awareness of the Hebrew roots of their faith" while distinguishing between the Church's "anti-Judaism" as religious teaching and the murderous antisemitism of Nazi Germany which it described as having "roots outside Christianity."
On June 20, 2011, less than three weeks after Yale said YIISA would be closed, Yale's provost Peter Salovey announced the creation of a new program for the study of antisemitism named the "Yale Program for the Study of Anti-Semitism" (YPSA).
At the time, it was the fourth university center for antisemitism to be established, following centers at the Technical University of Berlin, and Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University in Israel.
In 2008 it emerged that nine pupils had refused to sit a Key Stage 3 Shakespeare test on The Merchant of Venice because they felt the character of Shylock was antisemitic.
He is an associate of the antisemitic historical revisionist writer Nasser Pourpirar, whom he has extensively quoted in his own writings.