
unusual facts about Antoine Arnauld

Fabio Brulart de Sillery

Only a few of Fabio Brulart de Sillery's writings survive, including some poems and dissertations, a harangue against James II of England, a catechism, and some other texts published by François Lamy in 1700 with some by Antoine Arnauld and Dominique Bouhours under the title Réflexions sur l'éloquence.

Lettres provinciales

They were first translated into Latin by Antoine Arnauld, and then into many other languages, including English in 1657 (Les Provinciales, or the Mystery of Jesuitisme, discovered in certain letters written upon occasion of the present differences at Sorbonne between the jansenists and the molinists, London, Royston, 1657) by the Anglican theologian Henry Hammond, while in 1684 a polyglot translation (in French, Latin, Spanish and Italian) was published by Balthasar Winfelt.

see also