
4 unusual facts about Antoine Vergote

Antoine Vergote

He was the founder, along with Jacques Schotte and Alphonse de Waelhens, of the Belgian School of psychoanalysis.

After receiving his graduate degrees from the University of Louvain in 1954, he continued his education in Paris where he studied with Levi-Strauss, attended the lectures of Merleau-Ponty, and completed his analytic training under the direction of Jacques Lacan.

Vergote was a former student of the French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and played an important role introducing psychoanalysis to the University of Leuven.

Jacques Schotte

Jacques Schotte (1928 – September 18, 2007 ) was a Belgian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, co-founder, in 1969, with Antoine Vergote and Alphonse De Waelhens of the Belgian School of Psychoanalysis.

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