Apamea Ragiana, south of the Caspian Gates in Parthia (later Media); now in Iran
Apamea Myrlea, formerly Myrlea and Brylleion, in Bithynia, on the Sea of Marmara; currently near Mudanya, Bursa Province, Turkey
In 1985 the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elected him titular bishop of Apamea, assigning him as an auxiliary bishop to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Austria and Exarchate of Italy, as it was then known.
Numenius of Apamea | Apamea, Syria | Apamea Ragiana | Apamea Myrlea | Apamea |
The Snowy-veined Apamea (Apamea niveivenosa) is a moth of the family Noctuidae.
Apamea pallifera was originally described in Polia, but listed in Andropolia by Franclemont and Todd (1983) and Poole (1989).
; see also F. Thedinga, De Numenio philosopho Platonico (Bonn, 1875); Ritter and Preller, Hist. Phil. Graecae (ed. E. Wellmann, 1898), 624-7; T. Whittaker, The Neo-Platonists (1901), E.-A. Leemans, Studie over den Wijsgeer Numenius van Apamea met Uitgave der Fragmenten, Brussels 1937, and E. Des Places, Numénius, Fragments, Collection Budé, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1973.
The Syrian tetrapolis of Antioch, Seleucia Pieria, Apamea, and Laodicea