Although Pavlics' wire-mesh wheels were not available for the MTA, testing of these was conducted on various soils at the Waterways Experiment Station of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), the rover vehicle of the NASA Apollo program in the 1970s
All-terrain vehicle | Unmanned aerial vehicle | Remotely operated underwater vehicle | Lunar New Year | Sport utility vehicle | lunar | electric vehicle | unmanned aerial vehicle | Hybrid electric vehicle | Armoured fighting vehicle | Recreational vehicle | launch vehicle | Landing Vehicle Tracked | Vehicle Assembly Building | motor vehicle | Apollo Lunar Module | all-terrain vehicle | Vehicle registration | Vehicle armour | Street-legal vehicle | Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle | Hybrid vehicle | Amphibious vehicle | vehicle registration | Star vehicle | Remote control vehicle | National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act | Motor vehicle theft | Lunar Roving Vehicle | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter |
Mixed with a phosphor, it was used to illuminate Apollo Lunar Module electrical switch tips and painted on control panels of the Lunar Roving Vehicle.
Bekker co-authored the general idea and contributed significantly to the design and construction of the Lunar Roving Vehicle used by missions Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17 on the Moon.