
unusual facts about Apostolic succession

Holy Orthodox Church in North America

HOCNA's hierarchy, clergy, and laity take a very strict view of remaining faithful to the apostolic doctrine, canons, and customs of the Orthodox Church.

Ecclesia Gnostica

Hugh George de Willmott Newman (Mar Georgius I) felt that all proper and valid consecrations and ordinations are equally efficacious regardless of the particular line of Apostolic Succession, but also that some degree of irregularity would attach itself to acts lacking ecumenical sanction.

Hugh George de Willmott Newman (Mar Georgius I), patriarch of the Catholic Apostolic Church (Catholicate of the West) who consolidated many lines of apostolic succession.

Jens Bargmann

After serving as an ELCA Pastor, in 2008, Jens Bargmann was ordained in the historic Apostolic Succession as a Deacon and Priest and became the Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, a parish of the Anglo-Lutheran Catholic Church (ALCC).

Peter E. Gillquist

A desire for Apostolic Succession led most members of the EOC to join the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America in 1987 after first investigating the Episcopal Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Archdiocese, and the Orthodox Church in America (OCA).

see also

J. Delano Ellis

In an Appendix to his book The Bishopric - a handbook on creating episcopacy in the African-American Pentecostal Church, Bishop Ellis claims both western and eastern streams of "apostolic succession" for himself and for United Pentecostal Churches of Christ, as summarised below.