
unusual facts about Apothecaries' system


The coin originally weighed about 3.4 grams (3 scruples), meaning that it was half the value of the quadrigatus, a coin weighing 6 scruples that was by this time no longer produced.

Castile soap

Apothecaries knew the product by the Latin names of sapo hispaniensis (Spanish soap) or of sapo castilliensis (Castilian soap).

Cigar store Indian

Because of the general illiteracy of the populace, early store owners used descriptive emblems or figures to advertise their shops' wares; for example, barber poles advertise barber shops, show globes advertised apothecaries and the three gold balls represent pawn shops.

Corindus Vascular Robotics

The company’s FDA cleared CorPath® System is the first medical device that allows interventional cardiologists to manipulate guidewires and balloon/stents from an interventional cockpit.

Dagmar Berne

She obtained the Triple Qualification, the Scottish variant of the Conjoint qualification, comprising diplomas from the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

Dawn Harper

June 2012 Dawn Harper was named a spokeswoman for the American Diabetes Association and The FootMate® System by Gordon Brush.

Isaac Rand

In a letter to Samuel Brewer, dated ‘Haymarket, July 11, 1730’ (Nichols, Illustrations, i. p. 338), he says that the Apothecaries' Company ordered this to be printed.

Luxgen7 MPV

The voice controlled LUXGEN Think+ system (co-developed with HTC) combines the on-board Windows CE computer with the Electronic Stability Control system and provides 3.5G mobile internet connection, GPS navigation, along with travel, shop, and traffic information.

Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

The new courses of study, based on the advice of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, were introduced in 1844, and were ultimately recognised by them, by the London University and the Society of Apothecaries in 1846.


Ephraim Chambers, in his 1728 Cyclopaedia, says "Mithridate is one of the capital Medicines in the Apothecaries Shops, being composed of a vast Number of Drugs, as Opium, Myrrh, Agaric, Saffron, Ginger, Cinnamon, Spikenard, Frankincense, Castor, Pepper, Gentian, &c".

Sharsted Court

According to Hasted, early in the 17th century James Bourne conveyed the estate to Abraham Delaune, the son of Dr. Gideon Delaune, a Huguenot physician and theologian and founder of the Apothecaries' Hall.

see also