
3 unusual facts about Apuan Alps

Barbitistes obtusus

It is present in France, Italy and Switzerland, from the Basses-Alpes to the Julian Alps and central Apennines, with a small populations in the Apuan Alps.

Residenza Il Castello

Il Castello (Italian term of castle) of Bardine di San Terenzo is located in the Bardine's Valley, in the city of Fivizzano, between the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and the Apuan Alps, not far from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Villa di Corliano

In the lateral ovals there are the Cathedral Square of Pisa, the original view of the villa, Piana della Croce Mount (Apuan Alps), the Gulf of Lerici, two unknown castles and the commissioners’ portraits.

see also

Antony Valentini

Together with Mike Towler, Royal Society research fellow of the University of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory, he organized a conference on the de Broglie-Bohm theory the Apuan Alps Centre for Physics in August 2010, hosted by the Towler Institute located in Vallico di Sotto in Tuscany, Italy, which is loosely associated with the Theory of Condensed Matter group of the Cavendish Laboratory.