Arches paper is valued for its durability, and is still made today at the Arches paper mill in Lorraine, France.
paper | Pulp and paper industry | International Paper | Paper Mill Playhouse | Washington City Paper | white paper | The New Paper | Scott Paper Company | Rock, Paper, Shotgun | Paper Lion | Paper embossing | Boy's Own Paper | Paper + Plastick | Paper Lace | Wicker Arches | White Paper | toilet paper | Tissue paper | The Brooklyn Paper | The Arches | State Paper Office (disambiguation) | State Paper Office | Rolling paper | Rock-paper-scissors | pulp and paper industry | Philadelphia City Paper | Paper Mate | Paper marbling | Paper Crown | Let's Get This Paper |
In 1998/99 the entire text from Laurence Sterne’s novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman was drawn on a 72 x 50 inches sheet of Arches paper, from which a silkscreen print was produced.