Although the family came from Touraine, she was born in Paris in the Hotel Particulier of her family.
In 1696 he was elected to fill the place of La Bruyère in the Académie française; and on the completion of the education of the young princes the king bestowed upon him the rich priory of Argenteuil, in the diocese of Paris (1706).
In 1125 he was elected by the monks of the Abbey at Saint-Gildas-de-Rhuys, near Vannes, Brittany, to be their abbot, so he turned the Paraclete over to Heloise, his wife, who had been in a convent in Argenteuil since taking the veil.
He also directed the restoration of the Saint-Jacques Tower (1854-1858), and the construction of the church of Saint-Denis in Argenteuil.
Éric Joisel (Montmorency, November 15, 1956 – Argenteuil, October 10, 2010) was a French origami artist who specialized in the wet-folding method, creating figurative art sculptures using sheets of paper and water, without the use of any adhesive or scissors.
It is situated on the railway from Paris to Pontoise, and branch lines towards Valmondois, Argenteuil and Saint-Ouen.
He married on February 2, 1712, in Montreal, on his certificate are the names: Chavalier Claude de Ramezay (Governor of the Island of Montreal), Alexis de Fleury (Conseiller du Roi) and Louis D'Ailleboust (Escuyer (Squire), Sieur d'Argenteuil).
Thomas Craig Fields (November 9, 1825 St. Lawrence County, New York – January 25, 1885 Saint-André-d'Argenteuil, Quebec, Canada) was an American lawyer and politician from New York.
The Trophée des Grimpeurs, called Polymultipliée until 1970, is a single-day road bicycle race held annually in August in the region of Val-d'Oise, France, between Argenteuil and Sannois.