Although the family came from Touraine, she was born in Paris in the Hotel Particulier of her family.
In 1949, Tanning and Ernst relocated to France, where they divided their time between Paris and Touraine, returning to Sedona for intervals through the early and mid 1950s.
Born in Boussay in central France to an ancient family, he had already attained the rank of Maréchal de camp in 1789, when he was elected by the Second Estate of the bailiwick of Touraine to the Estates General in 1789.
Touraine | Alain Touraine | Marisol Touraine | Duke of Touraine |
In her sixteenth year, shortly after Agnès died, Charles VII married Antoinette to his first gentleman of the bedchamber, André, Baron de Villequier, of Guerche in Touraine.
The Château de Gizeux is situated some fifteen kilometres north of Bourgueil and 25 kilometres from Saumur, within the green and wooded parc naturel régional de Loire-Anjou-Touraine.
During her concert career, Elizabeth Parcells sang at international festivals such as Tanglewood, Salzburg, Touraine, Bologne, Colorado, Luxembourg, Melk, Lisbon, Rheingau, Huddersfield and Torino.
The king confirmed his father in the land and seigneurie of Les Pins, in the north east of Touraine on 13 June 1727.
In the pre-revolutionary period Marquis Antoine-Jean-Galiot de Mandat was loved by everyone in Les Pins, in the north east of Touraine, even by those who would soon lead Revolutionary efforts in the area.
After he had entered the Order of St. Francis, most probably at Châteauroux, and consequently had belonged to the Touraine province of the order, he became a member of the Aquitanian province and still belonged to this latter (without, however, being provincial minister) when he was elected minister general of the order, 10 June 1329, at the general chapter.
Joué-lès-Tours Football Club Touraine is a French association football club founded in 2008 as the result of a merger between US Joué-lès-Tours and ASC Joué Touraine.
Touraine and others thus propose a ‘sociology of intervention’ involving the creation of artificial spaces for movement activists and non-activists to debate issues of public concern (Touraine et al., 1980; Dubet, 1991, 2001).
Stukeley conjectured that it belonged to Exuperius, the Bishop of Tholouse in 405 AD, who gave it to the Bouge church in Touraine, and that it only ended up in England after it was plundered as spoils of the Battle of Bouge in 1421.
Gregory's attempts to enlarge the St. Julian's cult from the Auvergne to Touraine and Aquitaine were unsuccessful, however, and Julian is now only remembered through his basilica in the town of Brioude itself.