
unusual facts about Argentine general election, September 1973

1963 Argentine Navy Revolt

The Argentine elections of 1963 proceeded as planned in July and the Argentine Navy saw a reduction of its influence.

The Argentine elections of 1963 proceeded on schedule in July 7 and, as a result of divisions in both the ruling party and the Peronists (many of whom cast blank votes), saw the victory of the centrist Arturo Umberto Illia.

Alcira Argumedo

She returned to Argentina following elections in 1983, and in 1987, resumed her post in the University of Buenos Aires faculty and joined the National Research Council.

Alfonso Prat-Gay

He joined the Civic Coalition, led at the time by Elisa Carrió, and was named as Carrió's choice for Economy Minister had she won the 2007 presidential election.

Argentine general election, September 1973

The cautious Lastiri continued Cámpora's populist socio-economic policies; inheriting a growing threat from an increasingly armed Peronist Youth and the newly-active Trotskyite People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), which, in only three months, attacked a military installation and murdered a number of military figures, he replaced Interior Minister Righi and called elections for September 23.

Avenida Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz

Ultimately, with the return of democracy, Canning was again renamed to Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, by a December 29, 1985, ordinance.

Freemen of the South Movement

In the Argentine general election, 2007, the movement had two of its members elected as national representatives in the Lower House of the Argentine National Congress, Cecilia Merchan and Victoria Donda, daughter of desaparecidos.

Julio Alak

Initial results of the October 28, 2007, election indicated that Alak finished behind opposition candidate Pablo Bruera who took 25% to Alak's 20%.

Miguel Saiz

Saiz ran for re-election against Justicialist Party politician Miguel Ángel Pichetto in the 2007 gubernatorial race.

Pepe Soriano

A return to democracy in 1983 allowed Argentine artists to create works critical of the climate of abuses prevalent during the preceding dictatorship and Soriano was cast as the lead in Mercedes Frutos' 1984 film version of Adolfo Bioy Casares' Otra esperanza ("Another Hope"), a horror narrative set in a factory with secrets - a timely metaphor for much of the repression that had targeted industrial workers.

Santiago Copello

In November 1945, he prohibited Argentine Catholics from supporting parties or candidates who promoted the separation of Church and State, removing religion from public schools, or legalizing civil divorce in the February 1946 elections.

see also