
6 unusual facts about Arkadi Maslow

Arkadi Maslow

In May 1928, Maslow and Fischer resigned from the Leninbund, because they disagreed with the Leninbund’s support of an independent candidate opposed to the KPD, and after the capitulation of Zinoviev and Kamenev who were opposed to Stalin, anticipated the hope (in vain) of being accepted again into the KPD.

In 1912 in Berlin, Tschemerinski began studies in science under, among others, Albert Einstein and Max Planck.

On 20 November 1941, Maslow was found dead on a street in Havana.

From 1934 to 1936, Maslow worked closely with Trotsky and served as a part of the movement towards a Fourth International.

During a visit to Moscow in 1923, he was interrogated about these charges by an investigative committee of the Komintern, who exonerated and released him.

Since Maslow and Fischer no longer enjoyed the protection of Grigory Zinoviev, under a directive of Joseph Stalin to favor Ernst Thaelmann, they were relieved of the Party leadership, and on August 20, 1926, were excluded from the KPD.

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