In response Rykov, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Vladimir Milyutin, and Victor Nogin resigned from the Central Committee and from the government on November 4, 1917 (Old Style).
In May 1928, Maslow and Fischer resigned from the Leninbund, because they disagreed with the Leninbund’s support of an independent candidate opposed to the KPD, and after the capitulation of Zinoviev and Kamenev who were opposed to Stalin, anticipated the hope (in vain) of being accepted again into the KPD.
Both her late husband and her father-in-law, Lev Kamenev, were posthumously cleared of all charges during Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms.
After the party leader Sergey Kirov was assassinated on Dec. 1, 1934, Kamenev was secretly tried and sentenced, on false accusations for having contributed to the crime.
Nerman was welcomed to live with the Kamenev family at the Kremlin.