
4 unusual facts about Armistice


Stock scenes of fighting are then seen followed by the caption 'Armistice'.

Freddie Grubb

:After the Armistice (1918), Charlie Davey put up more money for Fred Grubb to resume production with Ching Allin in partnership and the firm of Allin & Grubb was founded in 1919.

Heinz Hämel

After the Armistice was signed the SS Regiment Germania at first remained in France then moved to Holland as part of the occupying forces, then in late 1940 SS Regiment Germania was used as the basis of a new SS Division SS Division Wiking so Hämel found himself in Munich helping to form and train the new Division.

Joseph Willot

Willot was released after the Armistice, but died on 1 April 1919, having become ill in prison.

1918 Michigan Wolverines football team

On November 16, 1918, five days after the signing of the Armistice marking the end of hostilities in Europe, Michigan defeated Syracuse 16–0.

1951 in the People's Republic of China

The resulting Chinese defeat at Seoul and Soyang River brought the Communists side to the armistice negotiation.

Armand Charles Guilleminot

After Waterloo Guilleminot became chief of staff to Marshal Davout and he was designated a commissary and in that capacity on July 3, 1815 he signed an armistice with Blücher at Saint-Cloud.

Armistice of Mudanya

The Armistice of Mudanya was an agreement between Turkey (the Grand National Assembly of Turkey) on the one hand, and Italy, France and Britain on the other hand, signed in the Ottoman town of Mudanya, in the province of Bursa, on 11 October 1922.

Battle of Ilomantsi

Two attacking Red Army divisions were decimated in this last major engagement on the Finnish front, before the armistice was concluded in early September, 1944.

Battle of Zierikzee

Covered by an armistice in the north, the Flemings raised an army near Cassel, which entered France and attacked Saint-Omer, Terwaan and Tournai.

Becker Type M2 20 mm cannon

Other intended installations were for an AGO S.I and the Hansa (Caspar) D.I, but these were not carried out before the Armistice.

Black Brigade

Black Brigades, Fascist paramilitary groups operating in northern Italy during the final years of World War II, and after the signing of the Italian Armistice in 1943

Bombing of Foggia

September 8: Badoglio announces the armistice between Italy and the Allies (signed at Cassibile on September 3rd).

Chū Kudō

In 1942, he held secret meetings with Fumimaro Konoe and others in the upper levels of the Japanese government who hoped to bring a quick end to the Second Sino-Japanese War and an armistice with Kuomintang.


Following the armistice troops from the Queens Royal West Surrey 4th/5th reserve Battalion and the York’s and Lanc’s Reg were involved in a mutinous riot at the camp, following disquiet at the slow rate of being demobilised.

Dennis Walters

At the outbreak of the Second World War he was in Italy and was interned, but after the Armistice of 1943 he was released and served for eleven months with the Italian Resistance.

Dewoitine HD.730

Despite the Armistice, development continued, with a significantly revised third prototype being built by the Société nationale des constructions aéronautiques du Sud-Est (SNCASE) at Marignane, the HD.731.01.

Eduard von Bonin

After the armistice of Malmö, Bonin was named commanding officer of the army of the united duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, which he reorganized and strengthened during the winter of 1848–49.

First Republic of South Korea

The resulting Armistice Agreement was signed by the North Korean army, Chinese People's Volunteers and the U.S.-led and Republic of Korea-supported United Nations Command.

Frederick C. Billard

During his tour as commanding officer, Aphrodite operated in the European war zone and was the first American warship to transit the Kiel Canal after the World War I armistice was signed.

Free French Naval Forces

In the wake of the Armistice and the Appeal of 18 June, Charles de Gaulle founded the Free French Forces (Forces Françaises Libres, or FFL), including a naval arm, the "Free French Naval Forces" (Les Forces Navales Françaises Libres, or FNFL).

German surrender at Lüneburg Heath

Admiral von Friedeburg went on to sign the German Instrument of Surrender that established the armistice ending World War II in Europe on 7 May at Reims in France and signed again with the Supreme High Command of the Red Army, French and US representatives in Berlin.

Grand Casemates Gates

After the armistice that ended World War I the future United States Admiral Jerauld Wright was a lieutenant on a destroyer that showed the flag in the Mediterranean.

Guy Maier

After the armistice, they gave a recital in Paris that was attended by President Woodrow Wilson and French Premier Georges Clemenceau.

H. R. Gross

Disgusted by this callousness, Gross recited Alfred Noyes' poem The Victory Ball in Congress in protest; the poem condemns the hedonism of a British Armistice ball and contains the line "under the dancing feet are the graves".

History of BMW motorcycles

With the Armistice, the Treaty of Versailles banned the German air force and the manufacture of aircraft in Germany, so the company turned to making air brakes, industrial engines, agricultural machinery, toolboxes and office furniture and then to motorcycles and cars.

Ion I. C. Brătianu

This situation was ended by the October Revolution in Russia and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between the Bolshevik government and the Central Powers: Romania saw itself without reinforcements, agreed to an armistice, and then signed the Treaty of Bucharest in May 1918.

Iraq–Turkey relations

The Ottoman Empire lost World War I and signed the armistice of Moudros with the Allies on 30 October 1918.

Jack Reiter

He joined up with a group of British officers who had escaped from Castello di Vincigliata prison PG 12 camp during the Italian Armistice in September 1943.

Jacques Huntzinger

Jacques Huntzinger is the great-nephew of Charles Huntzinger, the French general who negotiated the 1940 armistice with Germany.

Jean Ybarnegaray

He was wounded and discharged from the army with the Légion d'honneur, returning to the Chamber of Deputies where he criticised the Nivelle Offensive of 1917, the armistice of 1918, and the Treaty of Versailles.

José de San Martín

Under an armistice the opponents celebrated a meeting in Miraflores.

Kim Mu-yeol

It was co-produced by the Ministry of National Defense and Korea Musical Theatre Association, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the armistice.

Latécoère 521

After the armistice in June 1940 it flew to Berre, near Marseilles, where it was finally wrecked by the retreating Germans in August 1944.

Lausanne Conference of 1949

Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett had hoped for a comprehensive peace settlement at Lausanne, but he was no match for Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who saw the armistice agreements that stopped the fighting with the Arab states as sufficient, and put a low priority on a permanent peace treaty.

Lebanese Independence Day

On July 14, 1941, an armistice was signed in Acre ending the clashes between the two sides and opening the way for General Charles de Gaulle's visit to Lebanon, thus ending Vichy's control.

Louis Victor de Blacquetot de Caux

He was appointed Battalion commander in 1799, and was appointed by Moreau, to settle with the Ferdinand, Graf Bubna von Littitz, an armistice on the streets of Ulm, Ingolstadt and Philipsburg, occupied by the Austrians.

M. Waldo Hatler

Assigned to Company B, 356th Infantry, he had risen to the rank of sergeant when, just days before the armistice, his regiment was halted by the enemy in its advance toward Germany at the Meuse River near the French village of Poilly.

No. 105 Squadron RAF

Though other squadrons were disbanded after the armistice, 105 Squadron continued on duties in Ireland until 1 February 1920, when the squadron was disbanded by being re-numbered to 2 Squadron at Oranmore.

Operation Product

The Renville Agreement, as the armistice was called, stipulated the withdrawal of Indonesian forces from Dutch-occupied territory and the establishment of a ceasefire boundary known as the Van Mook Line.

Organization of the Air Service of the American Expeditionary Force

The Air Service, Second Army Air Service was activated on October 12 with Col. Frank P. Lahm as chief, and the Air Service, Third Army Air Service was created immediately after the armistice to provide aviation support to the army of occupation, primarily from veteran units transferred from the First Army Air Service.

Reginald Tupper

After the Armistice, in January 1919, he was promoted to Admiral and appointed Commander-in-Chief, Western Approaches, based at Queenstown (Cobh) in southern Ireland.

Republic of Mountainous Armenia

On November 18, an armistice was concluded, and then a peace treaty, the Treaty of Alexandropol, on 2 December 1920 between the Governments of Turkey and Armenia.

Richmond Vale railway line

These locomotives were based on the pre war Great Central Railway Class 8K 2-8-0 locos design by John G. Robinson After the armistice these locomotives were surplus and J & A Brown bought 13 of these locomotives, these were built by the North British Locomotive Company (9), Kitson and Company (1) and the Great Central Railway's Gorton Works (3).

Ronald Cartland

He was killed near Berry-au-Bac, France, in 1918, just five months before the Armistice.

Shebaa farms

On a fact-finding visit to the region, Terje Rød-Larsen, the UN special envoy to the Middle East, noted that the 1923 Anglo-French demarcation and the 1949 Armistice line clearly designated the area as Syrian territory.

Stalag VII-A

A German proposal for an armistice was rejected, followed by a short, uneven battle between the American tanks and retreating German soldiers for control of bridges across the Amper and Isar rivers.

Vincent, Count Benedetti

In 1866 the Austro-Prussian War broke out, and during the critical weeks which followed the attempt of Napoleon to intervene between Prussia and Austria, he accompanied the Prussian headquarters in the advance on Vienna, and during a visit to Vienna he helped to arrange the preliminaries of the armistice signed at Nikolsburg.

William Gocher

A 1918 pamphlet, Australia Must be Heard, implored the Pope to bring about an armistice.

see also