
unusual facts about Army-Navy

Alkincoats Hall

It passed down through Parker family from father to son via Thomas, Robert (1720–1758), Thomas (1754–1819), a Justice of the Peace (J.P.) and Deputy Lieutenant {D.L.} of Lancashire, to Thomas Parker (died 1832), an Army captain, J.P. and D.L. who also bought Browsholme Hall from his cousin.

Androgenic hair

C.H. Danforth and Mildred Trotter of the Department of Anatomy at Washington University did a study using army soldiers of European origin where they concluded that dark-haired white men are generally more hairy than fair-haired white men.

Battle of Königgrätz

The Second Prussian Army completely broke through the Austrian lines and took Chlum behind the center.

Battle of Leobersdorf

When Kasim Bey was informed of the retreat of the Ottoman main Army, he gathered his raiders in Pottenstein to link up with the main army.

Benjamin F. Isherwood

After the presidential inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant, Isherwood's longtime patron, Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles, could no longer protect him.

British Cemetery Elvas

The Duke of Wellington was anxious to secure both cities before advancing into Spain and chose to conduct the operations in the north himself and leave Marshal Beresford, the Commander in Chief of the Portuguese army, in command of the southern operation.

Charles Graham

Charles K. Graham (1824–1889), sailor in the antebellum United States Navy, attorney, and brigadier

Daily Monitor

This happened soon after the paper had published a letter allegedly written by army General David Sejusa, threatening that those opposing Muhoozi Kainerugaba for presidency risk their lives.

Demountable Rack Offload and Pickup System

As both vehicles are now out of commercial production, resulting in vastly reduced and resultantly higher cost spares provision, and taking into account the wider geographic nature of modern British Army deployment, the MOD is presently developing a replacement under the Enhanced Pallet Load System (EPLS), which will be based on the 15 tonne MAN SV.

Detachment R

Detachment R (also known as the U.S. Army Russian Area School) was a special U.S. Army School initially located in a former Wehrmacht garrison in Oberammergau and later moved to Regensburg, Germany, where it remained from 1950 to 1954, when it was moved back to Oberammergau.

Erastus Corning

The United States Navy contracted with Corning's iron works to manufacture parts and materials for the USS Monitor, the Navy's first ironclad warship.

Gene Boyer

He led the restoration of the VH-3A "Sea King" helicopter, tail number 150617, that served as Army One that day.

George Beresford-Stooke

Beresford-Stooke was born on 3 January 1897 in Priors Marston, Warwickshire, on 15 January 1914 he enrolled in the Royal Navy as a Paymaster Lieutenant.


Sikorsky H-19, a helicopter formerly operated by the United States Army

Henry Crocker

Henry H. Crocker (1839–1913), Union Army officer and Medal of Honor recipient

History of Kathmandu

Further west, general Amar Singh Thapa overran lands as far as the Kangra – the strongest fort in the hill region – and laid siege to it (although by 1809, Ranjit Singh the ruler of the Sikh state in the Punjab, had intervened and driven the Nepalese army east of the Sutlej river).

Iraqi Army Ranks Insignia

However, this rank is no longer in use by the new Iraqi Army, Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, Fourth President of Iraq, was the first president who held this rank during his term in office, followed by Saddam Hussein.

Jack Mendelsohn

Dropping out of high school, Mendelsohn joined the Navy and after World War II, he contributed gag cartoons to The Saturday Evening Post and other magazines.

Japanese aircraft carrier Taihō

One reason for the discrepancy in numbers was (in sharp contrast to the United States) the Imperial Japanese Navy's lack of insistence that its carrier planes have the smallest possible folded wingspan (many designs' folded only near the tips, while the wings of the Yokosuka D4Y Suisei dive-bomber did not fold at all).

Johnny Vander Meer

On March 3, 1944, Vander Meer joined the United States Navy and was stationed at Sampson Naval Training Station in New York where he would play for the Navy baseball team.


HMS K26, a United Kingdom Royal Navy submarine which saw service in the years between World Wars I and II

Karl Hanke

During the waning months of World War II, as the Soviet army advanced into Silesia and encircled Fortress (Festung) Breslau, Hanke was named by Hitler to be the city's "Battle Commander" (Kampfkommandant).

Levy Chapel

Commodore Levy Chapel, the U.S. Navy's oldest land-based Jewish Chapel, at Naval Station Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia


Robert Clayton Maffett (1836–1865), officer in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War

Marshall Formby

The other contestants were sitting Governor Marion Price Daniel, Sr., who sought an unprecedented fourth two-year term; Don Yarborough, a liberal lawyer and supporter of organized labor from Houston; former Attorney General Will Wilson, later a Republican convert, and retired Army General Edwin A. Walker, known for his staunch anti-communism.


D Antonio I, king of Kongo challenged the Portuguese interferences and sent an army down to take Mbwila.

Milan Kučan

At the peace talks began at Brioni, with the European Community as a mediator, the Army started its withdrawal from Slovenia.

Military history of Chad

Consequently, southern troops stationed in Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti Prefecture were looked upon as an army of occupation.

Military Professional Resources Inc.

General William F. Kernan of the U.S. Army also joined the firm after his military service.

Nancy J. Lescavage

She is the recipient of the Legion of Merit (four awards), the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Joint Service Achievement Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal, several unit commendations and the General George Joulwan Achievement Award.

Nara Narayan

After a series of battles with varying fortunes, the Koch army was defeated by the Ahoms, then under Suklenmung (1539–1552) who personally led the military, at the Battle of Pichala in 1547.

Organization of the Air Service of the American Expeditionary Force

The Air Service, Second Army Air Service was activated on October 12 with Col. Frank P. Lahm as chief, and the Air Service, Third Army Air Service was created immediately after the armistice to provide aviation support to the army of occupation, primarily from veteran units transferred from the First Army Air Service.

Otto Ruge

Partially in contrast to what Terje Holm as well as Torkel Hovland claim, military historian Tom Kristensen emphasizes that even though Otto Ruge participated in the downsizing of the Norwegian Army during the early 1930s, he also warned against the renewed threat after 1935 and pointed to the weakness of the Norwegian mobilization system.

Pan Zhang

During the attack, Pan Zhang's subordinates killed Feng Xi, a Protector of the Army (護軍) under Liu Bei, as well as several enemy soldiers.

Piotra Sych

There he joined the Polish Army in the East, being formed under command of General Władysław Anders, just like hundreds of other Belarusians from Western Belarus (Kresy).

Rohingya conflict in Western Burma

On 7 November 2012, one soldier from the Burmese Army was reportedly beheaded and three others were captured by the Muslim rebels, by an armed group of the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO), in their guerrilla offensive against the Burmese army in northern Maungdaw township on the Burma-Bangladesh border.

Senior captain

The rank of senior captain is rare in Western militaries, but can be found in the German military, where the rank of Stabshauptmann (Stabskapitänleutnant in the Navy) was created in 1993 for officers of the Militärfachlicher Dienst (former NCOs in specialist positions) who could not be promoted to field grade.

Shaybah ibn Rabi'ah

He was also a champion of the Meccan army sent along with his brother Utbah and his nephew Walid ibn Utbah in the Battle of Badr in around 624 AD (2 A.H.).

Sheyenne River

US Army Corps of Engineers officials stated that Lisbon was forced to hire contractors from Willmar, Minnesota, some five hours away, due to the lack of availability of local equipment.

Shimazu Tadatsune

Like his father and uncle, he was known for bravery on the battlefield, and during the latter half of Hideyoshi's invasions of Korea, fighting beside his father, he helped drive off the Ming army of over 100,000 men with only 8000 men.

Spanish Navy Marines

Photographer Robert Capa took pictures of the Spanish Republican Navy Marines in the Battle of the Segre.

Sultan Muhammad Akbar

Niccolao Manucci, an Italian gunner in the Mughal army, says: "for this campaign, Aurangzeb put in pledge the whole of his kingdom." Three separate armies, under Aurangzeb's sons Akbar, Azam and Muazzam, penetrated the Aravalli hills from different directions.

The Colditz Story

It is based on the book written by Pat Reid, a British army officer who was imprisoned in Oflag IV-C, Colditz Castle, in Germany during the Second World War and who was the Escape Officer for British POWs within the castle.


The ancient city was built after the destruction of the nearby cities by Xerxes' Persian army in 480 BC.


Legend has it that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid met their end at the hands of the Bolivian army near Tupiza, concluding their notorious string of bank robbery raids.

Tynemouth Volunteer Artillery

The meeting was held in response to statements by Commander Bedford Pim, Royal Navy, that a modern ironclad warship could do untold damage to the towns of Tyneside due to the poor state of their defences.

Vukolaj Jovanov Radonjić

K. Viala De Somier, a French colonel, commander of Herceg Novi, Kotor Governor and Head of General Staff other divisions Illyrian army in Dubrovnik, visited Montenegro 1810.godine and gubernadur Vukolaj Radonjic to Njegusi and as he says: "vernacular residence and center of temporal power in Montenegro," For the first twenty steps from the house to meet me came gubernadur accompanied two priests and the elders of the people under sixty weapons .

Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

The Pilot Bioproduction Facility (PBF) was established in 1958 as the Department of Biologics Research and is now located at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

XX Corps

XX Corps (German Empire), a unit of the Imperial German Army prior to and during World War I

Yuri Dolgorukov

Sophronius "Yuri" Dolgorukov (1602–1682), general and governor, won a series of victories in the Russian-Polish war of 1654-67, including the Battle of Werki, led the army to crush the rebellion C. Razin

see also

17th Operational Weather Squadron

The 17th Operational Weather Squadron is responsible for producing and disseminating mission planning and execution weather analyses, forecasts, and briefings for Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Guard, Reserve, USFK, PACOM, PACAF, USARPAC, SOCPAC, and NAVPAC forces operating at 115 installations/sites over 110M sq.mi.

20th Operational Weather Squadron

Until its inactivation in April 2006, the 20th Operational Weather Squadron was responsible for producing and disseminating mission planning and execution weather analyses, forecasts, and briefings for Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Guard, Reserve, USFK, PACOM, PACAF, USAPRAC, SOCPAC, and NAVPAC forces operating at 115 installations/sites over 5.2 million sq.mi.

25th Operational Weather Squadron

The 25th Operational Weather Squadron is responsible for producing and disseminating mission planning and execution weather analyses, forecasts, and briefings for Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Guard, Reserve, USSTRATCOM, and USNORTHCOM forces operating at 68 installations/sites in a 11 state region of the Western United States.

9th Operational Weather Squadron

The 9th Operational Weather Squadron was responsible for producing and disseminating mission planning and execution weather analyses, forecasts, and briefings for Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Guard, Reserve, USSTRATCOM, and USNORTHCOM forces operating at 40 installations/sites in a 4 state region of the Southeastern United States.

A Civil War: Army vs. Navy

On a cold, blustery day at Veterans Stadium, Army defeated Navy 14–13, to win their fourth straight Army–Navy Game.

AERCO International

AERCO's products can be found in local, state, and federal government buildings, including every branch of the U.S. military such as the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserves and Veteran's facilities.

Anna Ella Carroll

Based on this information Carroll wrote a memorandum that she sent to Assistant Secretary of War Thomas A. Scott and Attorney General Edward Bates in late November 1861, advocating that the combined army-navy forces change their invasion route from the Mississippi to the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers.

Army Navy Match

The Army Navy Match is the annual rugby union match played between the senior XV teams of the Royal Navy and British Army.

Although a match was played between the officers of the British Army and the officers of the Royal Navy at Kennington Oval, London on 13 February 1878, it was not until 1909 that the Army Navy Match became an annual fixture, when it was jointly administered by the newly formed Royal Navy Rugby Union (RNRU - 1906) and the Army Rugby Union (ARU - 1906).


During its lifetime, Ballyhalbert was home to RAF, Army, Navy and United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) personnel.

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) (Bengali: BUP বাংলাদেশ ইউনিভার্সিটি অব প্রফেশনালস) is the 30th public university of Bangladesh established in Mirpur, Dhaka in 2008, to run all educational institutions of the army, navy and air force and facilitate professional degrees for armed forces personnel and civilians through its affiliated institutions.

Beirut Memorial

The Armed Forces Chaplaincy Center, the site of Chaplain Corps training for the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force at Fort Jackson, in Columbia, South Carolina, includes the partially destroyed sign from the Beirut barracks chapel as a memorial to those who died in the attack.

Chaplain Corps

Armed Forces Chaplains Board, the U.S. board made up of the three Chiefs of Chaplains and three active-duty Deputy Chiefs of Chaplains of the Army, Navy, and Air Force

Fireproof Recording

Fireproof Recording is currently located in Los Angeles, California, where Lasus has worked with indie artists Marching Band, Anders Parker, Oliver Future, Army Navy, Matt Keating, Kelli Scarr, The Shivers, Noah And The MegaFauna, Emperor X, The Orbans and Son Of Stan.

Hastings, New Zealand

During World War II, Allied troops were billeted at the Army, Navy and Air Force (ANA) Club, and in private homes.

John McLeod Murphy

He took command of gunboat Carondelet 4 March 1863, skippering that ship during the joint Army‑Navy Expedition in Steele's Bayou under Rear Admiral David Dixon Porter, 18 to 24 March, in which he landed with two boat howitzers and 300 men near Rolling Fork to hold that place until the Union ships could cover it with their guns# One of his officers was Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Julius H. Kroehl.

Jumping Someone Else's Train

The song was covered by the Brooklyn-based band "Luff" for the 2008 American Laundromat Records tribute album Just Like Heaven - A Tribute to The Cure and by Army Navy on Manimal Vinyl's tribute Perfect as Cats: A Tribute to The Cure.

Napoleon McCallum

He was a member of the Navy Midshipmen football team that played in the Army-Navy game at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California in 1983.

P. D. Eastman

He was assigned to the Signal Corps Film Unit, which was headed by Theodor Geisel, later to become known as Dr. Seuss; here, Eastman conducted picture planning for animated sequences in orientation and training films, and he also wrote scripts and drew storyboards for the Private Snafu series for Army-Navy Screen Magazine.


Peterson's has negotiated contracts with the U.S. Military to offer individualized portals for enlisted Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel.

Robert G. Emmens

Colonel Emmens decorations include the Distinguished Flying Cross, and Chinese Army, Navy, Air Corps Medal, Class A, 1st Grade, and the Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure.


In the late 20th and early 21st century, swords with sabre blades are worn by most national Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and Coast Guard officers.

Type 22

Type 022 missile boat, a People's Liberation Army Navy fast attack craft.

William O. Brice

He also headed Marine Aircraft Group 14 during its support of the New Georgia and Bougainville invasions and directed all Solomons-based Army, Navy, Marine and New Zealand fighter operations against Rabaul, Japan's biggest base in the Southwest Pacific.