He then went to California, and spent the winter of 1867/68 in Virginia City, Nevada, studying the surface geology of the Comstock Lode and the chemistry of the amalgamation process as practised there, and known as the “Washoe process”.
During that survey, Geologist Arnold Hague named the river for L.Q.C. (Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus) Lamar, then Secretary of the Interior (March 1885 - January 1888).
The Hague | Arnold Schwarzenegger | Arnold Schoenberg | William Hague | Benedict Arnold | Arnold Palmer | Arnold Bax | Matthew Arnold | Eddy Arnold | Hey Arnold! | Henry H. Arnold | David Arnold | Arnold Wesker | Thomas Arnold | Stephen Hague | Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 | Arnold Toynbee | Arnold Rothstein | Arnold Friberg | Arnold Dreyblatt | Arnold Bennett | Arnold Sommerfeld | Richard R. Arnold | Hague Tribunal | Hague Academy of International Law | Hague | Arnold Moss | Arnold Fanck | Arnold Böcklin | Arnold Arboretum |