
3 unusual facts about Arsenyev

Harry Mabry

Mabry and his wife lived and worked for up to six months at a time in cities including Arsenyev, Samarkand, Tbilisi and Tver, where he helped formerly government-run television stations cope with both their new-found independence and their sudden responsibility for everything from news content and presentation to advertising and general business practices.

Kamov Ka-50

It is currently manufactured by the Progress company in Arsenyev.

Yakovlev Yak-54

It was produced by Saratov Aviation Facility in cooperation with JSV "Gorky U-2" up to 2005, when the production moved to the Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress" facility in Arsenyev.


Arsenyev |

Arsenyevka River

The largest inhabited localities on the river are Anuchino, Arsenyev, and Yakovlevka.

see also