Rakoff appointed former SEC chairman Richard C. Breeden to oversee Worldcom's compliance with the SEC agreement.
Movie Fun with Dick and Jane (2005), featuring Jim Carrey: The closing credits begin with a Special Thanks To list, naming executives at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Adelphia, ImClone Systems, Arthur Andersen, Cendant and HealthSouth.
Blockbuster was later followed by a card by Neiman Marcus, and the Mobil gas card which initially offered prepaid phone value provided by MCI.
Zuckerman has twice been part of a team which won the Gerald Loeb Award for breaking news coverage: first for coverage of the collapse of hedge fund Amaranth Advisors in 2007, and then for coverage of the demise of telecom provider WorldCom in 2003.
Satellite Business Systems, abbreviated as SBS, was a company founded by IBM, Aetna, Comsat (and later wholly purchased by IBM and then subsequently sold to MCI), that provided private professional satellite communications through its SBS fleet of FSS geosynchronous satellites, and was the first company to do so.
It comes to a locked gate around 8,200 ft and from there it is a 500 foot hike to the summit up a rough maintenance road that passes the former MCI (now owned by Verizon Communications) primary power generator that provides electricity to the summit.