
3 unusual facts about Arthur Worthington

Arthur Worthington

He refounded a new Temple of Truth, attracted new followers, and even found an "Isis" to compliment his newfound identity as a reincarnation of Osiris, an ancient Egyptian deity.

John Dunmore: Wild Cards: Eccentric Characters from New Zealand's Past: Auckland: New Holland: 2006: ISBN 1-86966-132-X

Hosking found that Worthington had contracted at least five bigamous marriages- to Miss Josephine Moore (New York, 1868), Miss Groot (Albany, New York), Mrs Lizzie Cowell (Troy, Michigan), Miss Joy Winfield (Chicago) and May Barlow (Xenia, Ohio).

see also

Eleanor Bone

Among her initiatory down-line are Madge and Arthur Worthington, who went on to found the well-known Whitecroft line of Gardnerian Wicca.