Community Development became a part of the Ujamaa Villages established in Tanzania by Julius Nyerere, where it had some success in assisting with the delivery of education services throughout rural areas, but has elsewhere met with mixed success.
Declaration of Independence | United States Declaration of Independence | Arusha | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Declaration of Pillnitz | Balfour Declaration | Potsdam Declaration | Philippine Declaration of Independence | Albanian Declaration of Independence | Joint Declaration | Israeli Declaration of Independence | Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | declaration of independence | Balfour Declaration of 1926 | Arusha Region | Virginia Declaration of Rights | Limehouse Declaration | Humanity Declaration | Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen | Declaration of Indulgence | Declaration of Independence (United States) | Declaration of Independence of Ukraine | Declaration of Independence (Israel) | Declaration of Breda | Declaration | declaration | Balfour declaration | Unilateral Declaration of Egyptian Independence | Trumbull's Declaration of Independence | ''Signing of the Declaration of Independence'' |