
10 unusual facts about Asger Jorn

Albissola Marina

1 km of mosaics executed in 1963 by artists such as Giuseppe Capogrossi, Roberto Crippa, Agenore Fabbri, Lucio Fontana, Wifredo Lam, Aligi Sassu, Eliseo Salino and Asger Jorn.

Anti-systemic library

The idea of an anti-systemic library has been developed in conjunction with Danish Situationist Asger Jorn's notion of Triolectics and the work of the American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce.

Cosio di Arroscia

In 1957 the French Avant-Garde Groupe Situationist International was founded in Cosio di Arroscia by former members of two other avant-garde groupes, the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus (Asger Jorn, Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio a.o.) and the Lettrist International (Guy Debord a.o.).

Emilio Scanavino

Among them there were Lucio Fontana, Asger Jorn, Corneille, Roberto Matta, Wifredo Lam, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Enrico Baj, Sergio Dangelo, Roberto Crippa, Gianni Dova, Agenore Fabbri, Aligi Sassu etc.

Erik Hoppe

Erik Hoppe is now recognised as one of the more important recent Danish landscape painters whose work can be compared not only to Weie and Giersing but also to Asger Jorn and Per Kirkeby.

Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio

In 1955, he met Asger Jorn, with whom he co-founded the Experimental Laboratory of the Imaginist Bauhaus in Alba, which was part of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus, in opposition to the return to productivism by others in the Bauhaus school, in particular Max Bill.

Jonny Forsström

His inspirations in the late 1960s were Carl-Henning Pedersen and Asger Jorn; a brightly hued, billowing and undulating style.

Piero Simondo

In Alba, Piedmont, Italy, with Asger Jorn and Giuseppe Pinot Gallizio he founded the Laboratory of immaginiste experiences as part of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus (IMIB).

Transgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration

A more playful and sensuous direction was charted, nodding more to the situationism of Asger Jorn than Guy Debord, with frequent allusions to the "magico-Marxism" current amongst British groups, such as the reformed London Psychogeographical Association.

Uno Vallman

He later learned to know the Danish artist Asger Jorn, whose influence made Vallman develop a more abstract style.

International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus

The International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus was a small European avant-garde artistic tendency that arose out of the breakup of COBRA, and was initiated by contact between former COBRA member Asger Jorn and Enrico Baj and Sergio Dangelo of the Nuclear Art Movement.

Katoen Natie

In addition, the Katoen Natie headquarters houses an extensive Cobra collection with works by the Belgian artists Pierre Alechinsky and Christian Dotremont, the Dutchmen Karel Appel, Corneille, Rooskens and Lucebert and the Danish artists Asger Jorn, Carl-Henning Pedersen and Egill Jacobsen.