
unusual facts about Asiatic Fleet

George Colvocoresses

He served under then-Commodore George Dewey (NU 1855) in the Asiatic Fleet, and distinguished himself in service during the Spanish-American War.

River gunboat

The Yangtze Patrol was formally established in 1922 as a component of the Asiatic Fleet.

see also

Andrew Kenneth Waterman

Transferred to Patrol Squadron (VP) 21 in August 1939, Waterman joined that unit in time to make the transpacific flight from Hawaii to the Philippines of VP-21's PBY-4's to reinforce the Asiatic Fleet's patrols out of Cavite and Olongapo.

Charles J. Train

Train planned to retire from the Navy on 14 May 1907 upon reaching the mandatory retirement age of 62, but, before he could, he died of uremia in Yantai (known to Westerners at the time as "Chefoo"), China, on 4 August 1906 while in command of the Asiatic Fleet.

Willard H. Brownson

Caroline Brownson married Thomas C. Hart, later an admiral and the last Commander-in-Chief of the Asiatic Fleet.


Albert G. Winterhalter (1856–1920), admiral in the United States Navy, commander in chief of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet from 1915 to 1917