
11 unusual facts about United States Pacific Fleet

Command master chief petty officer

The rates force master chief petty officer and fleet master chief petty officer are used for larger units such as U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command, U.S. Pacific Fleet, and Submarine Force U.S. Atlantic Fleet.

Fort Guijarros

In 1962 the United States Navy built a submarine base on Ballast Point as home port for the Pacific Fleet's nuclear attack submarines.

General Order No. 1

The senior Japanese commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces in the Japanese Mandated Islands, Ryukyus, Bonins, and other Pacific Islands shall surrender to the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet.

Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign

In the Pacific Theater of World War II, the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign, from November 1943 through February 1944, were key strategic operations of the United States Pacific Fleet and Marine Corps in the Central Pacific.

Jo-Anne L. Coe

She was born Jo-Anne Lee Johnson in Coronado, California, daughter of Admiral Roy L. Johnson, former Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet (1965-67) and the former Margaret Louise Gross.

Naval Base Ventura County

NBVC provides the Pacific Fleet with an all-in-one mobilization site, deep water port, railhead, and airfield.

On the roof gang

In 1928 the Chief of Naval Operations understood that a group of formally trained operators was needed in the Pacific Fleet to monitor Japanese naval communications.

San Diego Bay

Later it served as base headquarters of major ships of the United States Navy in the Pacific until just before the United States entered World War II, when the newly organized United States Pacific Fleet primary base was transferred to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

St. Catherine's Academy

Captain Maguire was a United States Navy Chaplain to the Pacific Fleet during World War II.

Take Ichi convoy

While Japanese officers attributed a drop in sinkings during March to the changed tactics, this was actually due to the U.S. Pacific Fleet's submarines being diverted to support raids conducted by the Fast Carrier Task Force that month.

William A. Matheny

He was decorated by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Pacific Fleet commander, for his outstanding service in the Pacific theater during World War II.

Communication Moon Relay

The new system was officially inaugurated in January 1960, when Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Arleigh Burke sent a message to Commander, Pacific Fleet Felix Stump using the system.


The wardroom of the oldest active submarine in the United States Pacific Fleet carries the personal cribbage board of World War II submarine commander and Medal of Honor recipient Rear Admiral Dick O'Kane on board, and upon the boat's decommissioning the board is transferred to the next oldest boat.

United States Marine Corps Forces, Pacific

Marine forces can work in coordination with the other components of the United States Pacific Command, such as the United States Army Pacific, the United States Pacific Fleet, the Pacific Air Forces, Special Operations Commands in the area.

War Plan Orange

As originally conceived, it anticipated a withholding of supplies from the Philippines and other US outposts in the Western Pacific (they were expected to hold out on their own), while the Pacific Fleet marshaled its strength at bases in California, and guarded against attacks on the Panama Canal.