
unusual facts about Assignment


Drive letter assignment, the process of assigning alphabetical identifiers to disk drives or partitions

500th Air Expeditionary Group

Its last known assignment was at Christchurch, New Zealand, where it was activated for the summer 2005-2006 season.

544th Fighter Squadron

Its last assignment was to the 478th Fighter Group at Paine Field, Washington, where it was disbanded on 31 March 1944.

Allissa Richardson

Richardson began her journalism career in 2002 as a general assignment intern for the Observer-Dispatch in Utica, New York, after winning a Freedom Forum scholarship.

Anne Marie Anderson

Following graduation from Hofstra, Anderson relocated to Bristol, CT and worked as a production assistant, assignment editor and associate producer on ESPN staples such as SportsCenter, NFL Gameday and Outside the Lines.

Bill Koski

In his one starting assignment, his second Major League appearance on May 5, 1951, Koski lasted 4⅓ innings against the New York Giants, gave up four hits, six bases on balls and four earned runs, and took the loss in an 8–3 defeat at the Polo Grounds.

Bill Weir

Weir began his career in 1991 as a general assignment reporter and weekend sportscaster at KAAL in Austin, Minnesota.

Brian Steidle

In September 2004, at the age of 27, Steidle accepted an assignment as one of three U.S. military observers for the African Union in the Darfur region of western Sudan.

Case in tiers

For ergative–absolutive alignment, the direction of assignment is right to left, with absolutive preceding ergative.

Charles J. Train

He was assigned to special duty in 1873, and in 1874 and 1875 had another special duty assignment to study the December 1874 transit of Venus.

Cold Warriors

In a June 2011 interview with Assignment X, series creator David X. Cohen first revealed that Aldrin would guest star in the episode.

David Sutherland Hibbard

Prior to his assignment in the Philippines by the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, Hibbard obtained his undergraduate degree from Emporia College in Emporia, Kansas.

Doug Vogt

While on assignment in Iraq for ABC News with anchor Bob Woodruff, Vogt and Woodruff were both severely injured by a roadside bomb.

Dr. Futurity

To resolve this situation, Parsons travels with Corith's relatives back to Corith's previous assignment in 1579 on the Pacific Coast of North America, where Corith was to kill Sir Francis Drake in order to change history and preserve the Native American way of life, avoiding their subjugation by European colonial powers.

Erik Liljegren

Before taking his position at the Fox News Channel (FNC), Liljegren served as a general assignment reporter at the Fox affiliate station, WGHP-TV, in High Point, North Carolina from 2003-2005.

Everything I Long For

The song "Assignment in Space with Rip Foster" is an alternative title to the children's novel Rip Foster Rides the Gray Planet by Harold L. Goodwin.

Field Harris

His first assignment was for a brief period aboard the USS Nevada and subsequently was assigned to the Third Provisional Brigade at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Francis Bowditch Wilby

His first assignment with AEF was as the Instructor of 1st Corps Engineer School in Gondrecourt-le-Château.


F. truemani was collected in the Lower Cambrian (lower Olenellus-zone) of Alberta, Canada (Mural Formation, in the talus slope immediately West of Mumm Peak, from the middle Mural Formation, 125 m above the base of that formation, just North of the Mount Robson Provincial Park boundary).

Grover Resinger

At age 50, Resinger was promoted to his first major-league coaching assignment with the 1966 Atlanta Braves, although he resigned August 10 upon the firing of his boss, manager Bobby Bragan.

Hannibal Gamon

Gamon was instituted to the rectory of Mawgan-in-Pyder, on the north coast of Cornwall, on 11 February 1619, on presentation of Elizabeth Peter, the patroness for that turn, on the assignment of Sir John Arundell, knight, the owner of the advowson.

Harmon Schmelzenbach

As a Career Assignment Missionary to the Church of the Nazarene, Schmelzenbach continued the family missionary work that started with his grandfather Harmon F. Schmelzenbach.

Harry Welsh

After its failure, Welsh and the rest of Easy Company returned to Mourmelon-le-Grand, France to await their next assignment.

Jean-Pierre Jouyet

At the conclusion of this assignment, Jean-Pierre Jouyet was then nominated by President Sarkozy on the 14 November 2008 to become Chairman of the French securities regulator, the AMF (l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers), to replace Michel Prada, at the end of his non-renewable 5 year mandate, on 15 December 2008.

John B. Hayes

Under Hayes' leadership, the Coast Guard accomplished a number of firsts for women in the military, including the assignment of Lieutenant (junior grade) Beverly Kelley as the first female commanding officer of a U.S. military vessel, and Lieutenant Kay Hartzell as the first female to command an isolated U.S. military unit.

John Tidmarsh

Tidmarsh had many more overseas assignments, including the revolt in Lebanon in June 1958 to overthrow Camille Chamoun, the two wars between India and Pakistan in 1962 and 1965, a three month assignment in Vietnam in 1965 and the USA, where he covered the whole of the Civil Rights March from Selma to Montgomery in Alabama, led by Martin Luther King.

Jozef Cieminski

His first parish assignment transferred him to Saint Stanislaus Kostka in the newly established Diocese of Winona, where he served as assistant to the pastor, Father Jakub W.J. Pacholski.

Justice Adams

Annette Abbott Adams, a woman who served by special assignment on one case in the California Supreme Court

Karl Bendetsen

Major Bendetson was given this assignment after having written the orders for seizure and strike-breaking at a North American Aviation plant, but the army had taken charge of the Air Associates plant in October, prior to his arrival.

Lawrence Kasha

Kasha had directed a season of summer stock productions at the Colonie Summer Theatre in Latham, New York in 1959, but his first major directing assignment came in 1962 with Guys and Dolls and The Most Happy Fella at the O'Keefe Center in Toronto.

Live for Life

He takes her along on an assignment in Kenya and later establishes an "arrangement" with her in Amsterdam.

Mary Stoker Smith

Mary was the co-anchor of WB 17 News at Ten at WPHL-TV until December 17, 2005, when she joined KYW-TV in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as a general assignment reporter and a weekend evening anchor.

Mike Hanks

On temporary assignment from Samford, Hanks served as an assistant coach to then Texas coach, Bob Weltlich for the US national team in the 1982 FIBA World Championship, winning the silver medal in Cali, Colombia.

National Solar Observatory

The site's name was chosen by the late James C. Sadler, (1920–2005), an internationally noted meteorologist and professor at The University of Hawaii, formerly with the United States Air Force on assignment during the early inception of the observatory.

Paul D. Adams

Following that assignment, he became commanding officer of the 143d Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division, serving in the Mediterranean Theater and European Theater from January 1944 to January 1945.

Public Education Center

Before joining the National Security News Service in 1991, he worked for CNN’s Special Assignment Unit, the Wilmington News Journal, and prominent journalist Jack Anderson.

Raquel C. Bono

In September 1999, she was assigned as the director of Restorative Care at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, followed by assignment to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery from September 2001 to December 2002 as the medical corps career planning officer for the Chief of the Medical Corps.

Richard W. Gilsdorf

He served his first appointment at St. John Church in Little Chute, Wisconsin, for two years, and then received assignment to the faculty of Sacred Heart Minor Seminary near Green Bay.

Rita Meyer

Her final overseas assignment was as Mission Support Group Commander at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan.

Samuel T. Williamson

After receiving training at the Officers' Training School in Camp Upton, NY, Williamson received assignment to Company M with the 308th Infantry of the 77th Division.

Sharon Tay

In 1993, KCCN-TV, now KION in Salinas, California, hired her as a general assignment reporter / consumer investigative reporter.

Spectrum Task Force

The Task Force will also advise the FCC on the evaluation and refinement of spectrum assignment policies, which are not limited to the auction process.

Stephen Mull

Prior to his assignment in Jakarta, Mull worked as Deputy Director of the State Department Operations Center, as Political Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland, as Director of the Office of Southern European Affairs in the Bureau of European Affairs, and as Deputy Executive Secretary in the Office of the Secretary of State.

Suzanne Le Mignot

She current co-anchors with Mike Puccinelli, and she also performs general assignment reporting during the week.

Thomas Crook Sullivan

His first assignment was as a second lieutenant in the First U.S. Artillery serving on the Texas frontier and during this period was with the expedition against Juan Cortina's Mexican marauders, seeing combat near Fort Brown, Texas.

Tomoko Namba

She started DeNA after working on a consulting assignment with Sony's So-net while she was a consultant at Mckinsey.

Traffic flow

Kerner introduced an alternative approach to traffic assignment based on his network breakdown minimization (BM) principle.

Tundra Yukaghir language

Case assignment for core participants behaves in a broadly split-intransitive manner, though actual assignment is very complex, involving semantic role, focus, relative animacy of the participants (first or second person versus third), and nature of the noun itself.

Vicente T. Blaz

From September 1972 to August 1975, General Blaz served as Chief, United Nations and Maritime Matters Branch, International Negotiations Division, Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C. In this assignment, he represented the Joint Chiefs of Staff on U.S. Delegations to several international multi-lateral negotiations in Helsinki (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) and Geneva (Law of War) and was an action officer on Law of the Sea matters.

William Clancey

During this intergovernmental personnel assignment as a civil servant, he was also employed at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition in Pensacola, where he holds the title of Senior Research Scientist.

see also