
2 unusual facts about Atarot


The Jordanian forces looted and burned the village, turning the land into an extension of Kalandia Airport.

During the Second Intifada, the park and airport suffered from Palestinian attacks due to their proximity to Ramallah, leading to the closure of the airport.


Atarot Airport |

Jerusalem Road 20

In the late 1990s, the Israel Ministry of Transport planned to construct Highway 45 from Highway 1 near Ben Gurion International Airport through the West Bank passing slightly north of Beit Horon and Beit Ur al-Fauqa to the Atarot Industrial Park in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem Road 21

Jerusalem Road 21, is the designation of a new road beginning at Highway 1 between Ramat Shlomo and Shu'afat northward to Beit Hanina and the Atarot Industrial Park.

see also