Jerusalem Road 20, is the designation of a combination of existing roads and new construction creating a continuous route between Jerusalem's Highway 50 (Begin Boulevard) and Pisgat Ze'ev via Beit Hanina.
In the late 1990s, the Israel Ministry of Transport planned to construct Highway 45 from Highway 1 near Ben Gurion International Airport through the West Bank passing slightly north of Beit Horon and Beit Ur al-Fauqa to the Atarot Industrial Park in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Abbey Road Studios | Silk Road | road | Temple in Jerusalem | Road Rules | Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra | Abbey Road | Road to Perdition | New Circle Road | King of Jerusalem | road racing | Kingdom of Jerusalem | Jinshajiang Road Station | Waterloo Road | road running | On the Road | National Road | Lansdowne Road | Grand Trunk Road | Jinyun Road Station | Great North Road | Toll road | Road to Avonlea | Long Island Rail Road | Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem | Jerusalem Film Festival | Waterloo Road (TV series) | The Jungle (Wheldon Road) |