
3 unusual facts about Athabaskan languages

Alaska v. Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government

The respondent was represented by Heather Kendall-Miller, an attorney of Athabascan descent.

Athabaskan languages

He presents some scandalous events, such as the reason why Gladys Reichard was not particularly positive about Sapir’s work: “it was in fact common knowledge in some circles that she was shacked up, living in sin, in Greenwich Village for years with none other than P.E. Goddard” (p. 63), with whom Sapir had “strange and strained relations” (p. 64).

Paul Platero

He has published articles about the syntax and grammar of Navajo, and co-edited an overview of the Athabaskan languages.

Bird Girl and the Man Who Followed the Sun

She and Daagoo (Snow grouse) are members of two different clans of the people of the Gwich'in, belonging to the Athabaskan tribes.

see also