
unusual facts about Atreus


However, when it saw how Thyestes, a mythological figure, was served his own son for dinner by his brother Atreus, the sun was so horrified that it left its course and moved to the zodiac instead.


Atreus |

Curses, Hexes and Spells

Marketed as children's book, it explains what exactly "curses" are, and describes supposed curses on families (such as the House of Atreus in Greek Mythology, the House of Habsburg or the Kennedy family), creatures, places (the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea), wanderers (like the Flying Dutchman) and ghosts.

Michelle Latimer

Before being on TV, she was involved in several stage productions, such as Anne, Liars, Adventures of Emily Brontesaurus, Reflections on Crooked Walking, Into the Woods, St. Nicholas Hotel, Atreus, Measure for Measure, Grease (as Rizzo), The Music Man, Anything Goes (as Hope Harcourt) and Fiddler on the Roof (as Bielke).

The House of Atreus Act I

This album is the first part of a metal opera inspired by the Oresteia, a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus which concerns the end of the curse on the House of Atreus.

see also