
9 unusual facts about Aeschylus


Thomson, George (1973) Aeschylus and Athens: A Study in the Social Origin of Drama.

Benedict Nightingale

In 2012 he published Great Moments in the Theatre, which examined some of what he considered the greatest moments in the history of the artform, from Aeschylus' Oresteia to Jez Butterworth's Jerusalem.

Box of Rain

The line "moth before a flame" echoes several proverbs, such as "the fate of the moth in the flame"—Aeschylus, Fragments (Fragment #288).

Doron Mendels

For example, in a chapter on The Persians of Aeschylus, Mendels examines a number of alternative narratives of remembrance that were embedded in the population of Athens after the Battle of Salamis.

Last Summer in the Hamptons

The film explores the dark underbelly of the family (with metaphorical help from Anton Chekhov, Aeschylus, and Tennessee Williams) as Oona attempts to attach herself to them and their theatrical endeavors as she seeks to leave Hollywood and embark on a stage career.

Miriam O'Reilly

O'Reilly is the sister of the playwright Kaite O'Reilly, winner of the Ted Hughes Award (2011) for her version of Aeschylus' tragedy The Persians.

Rachel Carter

Her full-scale rendering of Aeschylus’ Oresteian Trilogy (a classic of Greek tragedy, uniting the narratives of Agamemnon, Choephori, and Eumenides) included a traditional Greek chorus (complete with handmade masks) and an original musical score crafted to complement Carter’s own painstakingly edited script.

Roger H. Martin

At St. John's he read Homer, Plato, Aeschylus, and Herodotus, and went out for crew, racing at the Head of the Occoquan with eight teenagers.

The House of Atreus Act I

This album is the first part of a metal opera inspired by the Oresteia, a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus which concerns the end of the curse on the House of Atreus.


Aeschylus |


During the Fascist "Ventennio", the same war-cry (modified as "eja eja alalà", where "eja" had the same meaning of war-cry, taken from Aeschylus and Plato) was adopted by the Arditi, a special corps of the Fascist Army.


The Athenians may have been blending the cult of Bendis with the equally Dionysiac Thracian revels of Kotys, mentioned by Aeschylus.

Bernard Mayes

Mayes's dramatic works include: Homer's Odyssey, the Agamemnon of Aeschylus and Plato's Phaedo, each adapted from the original Greek; The Lord of the Rings a 1979 radio series in which he played the part of Gandalf; and several of Dickens' novels.

Breast Cancer Show Ever

While Cartman awaits the fight in class, Mr. Garrison says, "So you see, at this point Euripides knew he could not win the battle", referencing The Frogs, a comedic play by Aristophanes where the Greek tragedians Aeschylus and Euripides are measured against one another, the better to be revived so he can "educate the thoughtless" and rid Athens of evil politicians that are ruining the city (1500–1502, The Frogs).

Cambridge Greek Play

Among famous names involved in those early days were Rupert Brooke as the Herald in Aeschylus' Eumenides (1906), Sir Hubert Parry as the composer of incidental music to Aristophanes' The Birds (1883) – the Bridal March is still used in weddings – and Ralph Vaughan Williams as composer of incidental music to The Wasps, also by Aristophanes (1909).

Douglas Leedy

He has also proposed reconstructions of ancient Greek music, and has prepared, on historical-theoretic principles, settings for musical performance of Homer, Sappho, Pindar, and the Persai (The Persians) of Aeschylus.

Douglas McKeown

He quickly moved on to other challenges, creating designs for many plays there, including sets and costumes for the Cocteau’s world premiere of Tennessee Williams’ Something Cloudy, Something Clear, and staging a number of productions, notably poet Robert Lowell’s adaptation of The Oresteia of Aeschylus.

Jim Shepard

His recent collection, Like You'd Understand Anyway, includes stories about the Greek playwright Aeschylus, the Chernobyl disaster and the 1964 Alaska earthquake.

National Players

After 63 consecutive seasons of touring, this acting company has given approximately 6,600 performances and workshops on plays by Shakespeare, O'Neill, Molière, Shaw, Kafka, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Stoppard and Peter Shaffer.

Phyllis and Flora

In his analysis, P.G. Walsh traces the line back as far as Aristophanes' work The Frogs, which features a dispute between Aeschylus and Euripides for the title of "Best Tragic Poet", and Ovid's Amores.


Such notables as Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes established forms still relied on by their modern counterparts.


To the extent that modern scholars postulate the existence of such a trilogy by a single author, the consensus holds that it comprised Prometheus Bound, Prometheus Unbound, and Prometheus the Fire-Bringer, in that order.

Though an Alexandrian catalogue of Aeschylean play titles designates the trilogy Hoi Prometheis ("the Prometheuses"), in modern scholarship the trilogy has been designated the Prometheia to mirror the title of Aeschylus' only extant trilogy, the Oresteia.

Robert Browning

In The Browning Version (Terence Rattigan's 1948 play or one of several film adaptations), a pupil makes a parting present to his teacher of an inscribed copy of Robert Browning's translation of The Agamemnon of Aeschylus.

see also