
16 unusual facts about Attorney


Attorney at law, the official title of a lawyer in some countries

Power of attorney, the power of a person, who may be but is not necessarily a lawyer, to act on someone else's behalf

Attorney General of the United Kingdom

Attorney-General for Ireland, until 1921, of which the now Northern Ireland formed a part.

Attorney-General of Belize

The position of AG is outlined in Section 42 of the Constitution of Belize, which requires that the AG have been qualified for at least five years to practice as an advocate in a court of unlimited jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Nations or the Republic of Ireland.

Attorney-General of the Turks and Caicos Islands

The Attorney-General is a member of the Cabinet and one of five unelected members of the House of Assembly.

Chris Sumner

In May 1979 he was appointed Attorney-General and Minister of Prices and Consumer Affairs.

Dublin Castle administration

Other major officers in the Dublin Castle administration included the Chief Secretary for Ireland, the Under-Secretary, the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, the Attorney-General for Ireland (briefly replaced under the Government of Ireland Act by the Attorney-General for Southern Ireland), and the Solicitor-General for Ireland.

Horsbrugh-Porter baronets

He served as Solicitor-General for Ireland from 1881 to 1882, as Attorney-General for Ireland from 1882 to 1883 and as Master of the Rolls for Ireland from 1883 to 1906.

Kan Ting Chiu

He joined the Singapore Legal Service in 1970 and was appointed State Counsel at the Attorney-General's Chambers.

Ong Ah Chuan v. Public Prosecutor

Counsel for the Public Prosecutor argued that the word law in Article 9(1) included written law.

The case involved a constitutional challenge by the appellant against the Public Prosecutor for charging him with a capital offence when another accused person involved in the same drug trafficking incident was not.

Quarter session

In 1867, the Attorney-General for Ireland, Hedges Eyre Chatterton, issued guidelines to regulate which cases ought to be tried at tried at assizes rather than quarter sessions: treason, murder, treason felony, rape, perjury, assault with intent to murder, party processions, election riots, and all offences of a political or insurrectionary character.

Swan Valley Nyungah Community

Former Attorney-General Peter Foss, asked “Why would you chuck out the victims with the perpetrators? You can’t solve a social problem by kicking everybody out. The Government is kidding people if they think the only place in WA where child abuse and domestic violence is happening is the Swan Valley Nyungah Community. It’s happening everywhere. This is tokenism where the Government is pretending it is solving a problem and may in fact aggravate it”.

Tempest family

He acted as Attorney General of the Bishopric of Durham (c. 1634-1640) and in October 1640 as Attorney-General for Ireland in succession to Sir Richard Osbaldeston when he described is as a Recorder, of Lincoln's Inn.

Walker baronets

He was a Member of Parliament for Londonderry, Solicitor-General for Ireland, Attorney-General for Ireland and eventually Lord Chancellor of Ireland.

Western Australian state election, 1933

Its previous member, former Attorney-General and Nationalist MLA Thomas Davy, died suddenly on 18 February 1933, aged 42, while playing bridge with his wife and two friends at the Savoy Hotel.

Aero Commander

Three men funded the company's early efforts: Philadelphia attorney George Pew and Oklahoma City brothers William and Rufus Travis Amis.

Alberto Alemanno

He became a qualified attorney at law in New York in 2004 and then served as a law clerk for Judge Allan Rosas and Judge Alexander Arabadjiev at the Court of Justice of the European Union and for Enzo Moavero Milanesi at the General Court of the European Union.

Anna Pou case

State Attorney General Charles Foti announced the arrests the next day, at a widely televised news conference.

Art Seaberg

An attorney by profession, he represented District 38B in Dakota County as an Independent-Republican.

Atlanta mayoral election, 1973

Other candidates were former Atlanta Police Officer John Chambers, Socialist Workers Party activist Debby Bustin, Hare Krishna community leader William Ogle, attorney John Genins, Betty Morrison, Ernest Moschella and write-in candidate Howard Tucker.

Australian National Socialist Party

Attorney-General Billy Snedden told parliament that the party was under surveillance and probably had a membership of fewer than 100.

Ben Krentzman

After being discharged from the Army in 1946 he returned to Clearwater, where he remained in private practice until 1967, serving as town attorney for the Town of Largo from 1946 to 1956, city attorney for the City of Clearwater from 1949 to 1950 and again from 1956 to 1958, and special counsel for the State Road Department from 1960 to 1963.


Attorney and Cofounder of the Terasem family of organizations, Dr. Martine Rothblatt, during a mock trial at the International Bar Association Conference 5 in San Francisco on September 16, 2003, filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to prevent a corporation from disconnecting an intelligent computer known as BINA48.

Blount Building

It was built by Charles Hill Turner in 1906-1907 for local attorney William Alexander Blount on the site of the three-story Blount-Watson Building, which had burned on Halloween night in 1905.

Cathryn Damon

In both of her regular television roles, she worked with Eugene Roche, who had the recurring role of Attorney E. Ronald Mallu during the latter three seasons of Soap before playing her on-screen husband, Bill Parker, on Webster.

Charles Graham

Charles K. Graham (1824–1889), sailor in the antebellum United States Navy, attorney, and brigadier

Child pornography

David Westerfield of California was convicted in 2002 of possessing child pornography, despite contrary opinion by some members of law enforcement: an Assistant U.S. Attorney concluded that the photographs shown to her did not meet the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal standard for lascivious conduct; and Detective Chris Armstrong declared that Westerfield’s images were not child porn.

Cleveland Stokers

They sold the Stokers to a group led by Cleveland attorney Howard Metzenbaum and business partner, Alva "Ted" Bonda, the first week of January 1968.

Colchester, Connecticut

Eliphalet Adams Bulkeley (1803-1872), Bacon Academy graduate (1819), state senator, state's attorney and founder of Aetna Insurance Company (1846)

Conrad Krez

Krez was City Attorney of Sheboygan from 1856 to 1859 and District Attorney of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin from 1859 to 1862 and again from 1870 to 1876.

Constitutional dictatorship

In the 21st century, John Yoo, attorney and legal theorist, has offered a theory of the unitary executive supporting virtually unconstrained authority to be wielded by the United States President in his capacity as commander in chief of the armed forces.

Cyrus L. Dunham

Dunham was elected prosecuting attorney of Washington County, Indiana in 1845 and then served as a member of the Indiana State House of Representatives for one term from 1846 to 1847.

Danziger Bridge shootings

Jim Letten, the U. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana, vowed his office would take "as much time and resources as necessary" to resolve the case.

David W. Márquez

On March 31, 2005, Governor Frank Murkowski appointed Márquez as Attorney General for the State of Alaska.

Days of May

In 1819 a crowd of 15,000 had gathered at Newhall Hill in Birmingham to symbolically elect Charles Wolsley as the town's "Legislatorial Attorney and Representative" in Westminster; when Manchester followed Birmingham's lead two months later troops opened fire and killed 15 in the event that became known as the Peterloo Massacre.

DeMaurice Smith

Although Smith lacked football experience, his ties to presidential power and business experts helped give him an advantage over other potential candidates like Troy Vincent, Trace Armstrong, and sports attorney David Cornwell.

Dominique Tricaud

Dominique Tricaud (b, 1955 in Paris, France) is a lawyer whose fame in the United States derives from his being the defense attorney in Paris, France, of Ira Einhorn, the famous environmentalist, convicted in absentia of murder.

Francis Blair

Frank S. Blair (1839–1899), Virginia lawyer and Attorney General of Virginia

Getting Gotti

Getting Gotti is a 1994 TV film centered on a Brooklyn Assistant District Attorney named Diane Giacalone, and her attempts to build a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) case against John Gotti and the Gambino crime family.

Gold River, California

Dan Lungren, 3rd district Congressmen, former California Attorney General, 1998 Republican gubernatorial nominee

Hamilton Ward

Hamilton Ward, Jr., New York State Attorney General and son of Hamilton Ward, Sr.

Harrison, Ohio

Harrison's mayor is Joel McGuire, an attorney, former Army Ranger, and former member of Harrison City Council.

J. Christian Adams

In December 2009, Adams's supervisor and Civil Rights Division attorney Christopher Coates stepped down as chief of the voting division in December 2009 amid controversy over his objections to the dropping of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case.

Jack Erik Kjuus

Georg Fredrik Rieber-Mohn was recused from the case since he was formerly the prosecuting attorney who had charged Kjuus while Lars Oftedal Broch was absent due to illness.

Jill Bolte Taylor

After Bolte Taylor's representative, transmedia agent and attorney Ellen Stiefler, conducted an auction for worldwide publishing rights to "My Stroke of Insight," Penguin won the book.

John B. Owens

John Byron Owens (born 1971) is a California attorney in private practice and is a nominee for United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

John D. McCarty

Joseph M. Fletcher, a prominent local attorney, was elected the church's Sr.

John Rolly Ross

He was the Republican state chairman in 1934, and was a city attorney of Carson City, Nevada from 1947 to 1951.

Malcolm F. Marsh

Marsh presided over the 1995 trial of several former followers of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh after their failed assassination plot against U.S. Attorney for Oregon Charles H. Turner.

Mohammed Bello Adoke

Barrister Mohammed Bello Adoke, Senior Advocate of Nigeria, (born 1 September 1963) was appointed Nigerian Attorney General and Minister of Justice on 6 April 2010, when Acting President Goodluck Jonathan announced his new cabinet.

Naomi Gonzalez

Naomi R. Gonzalez (born June 4, 1978) is an attorney and politician from El Paso, Texas.

Otis family

Harrison Gray Otis (1765-1848), U.S. Senator from Massachusetts; Third Mayor of Boston; U.S. Representative from Massachusetts; Massachusetts District Attorney; Son of Samuel Allyne Otis.

Pam Bondi

On November 2, 2010, she defeated Democratic State Senator Dan Gelber by a 55% to 41% margin to become the Attorney General of the State of Florida.

Pedro A. Delgado Hernández

Pedro Alberto Delgado Hernández (born 1956) is a Puerto Rico attorney in private practice and is a nominee for United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico.

Red Lake Indian Reservation

Many state residents turned against the plan, and it was ruled to be illegal by the state Attorney General Mike Hatch.

Robert P. Griffin

He was elected November 8, 1966, to a full six-year term, defeating former Governor Soapy Williams by a 56% to 44% margin, commencing January 3, 1967 and was reelected in 1972, winning a tough race against state Attorney General Frank J. Kelley, and served from May 11, 1966, to January 2, 1979.

Rosemary Murphy

The following year, Murphy appeared in the television film A Case of Rape, playing a ruthless defense attorney who brutally cross-examines rape victim Ellen Harrod (Elizabeth Montgomery) and wins an acquittal for the man who attacked her.

Stamford Hospital

After consultation with his his friend and attorney, Edwin L. Scofield (later the second mayor of Stamford), regarding possible philanthropies, he gave the initial funding for the hospital by selling some of his property.

Steve Merrill

He served on the staff of Governor Sununu and was the state's Attorney General before being elected Governor.

Teresa Isaac

In 2006, Isaac ran for reelection but lost to political newcomer and Lexington corporate attorney Jim Newberry.

Terrance Hanold

Terrance Hanold (1912–1996) was an American attorney, food industry executive, and President of the Pillsbury Company.

The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord

U.S. Attorney Asa Hutchinson charged Ellison and most of his leadership with illegal weapon possession, Ellison faced the maximum 20 years prison sentence having been convicted on Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act charges.

Thomas McCarthy

J. Thomas McCarthy (born 1937), American educator, author and attorney

Tim Greenwood

Currently, he serves as outside counsel for the Ohio Attorney General and is the Law Director of Sylvania Township.

Ultra trust

An Ultra Trust is a legal entity with special provisions, benefits, and limitations created and drafted by an attorney who has expertise with debtor—creditor law, income tax law, gift tax law, and estate tax law, as well as trust law.