
3 unusual facts about Audrey Niffenegger

Audrey Niffenegger

After a fiercely contested auction, Scribner, a unit of Simon & Schuster, bought the rights to publish the new novel, Her Fearful Symmetry, in the United States this fall.

In March 2009, Niffenegger sold her second novel, Her Fearful Symmetry, for an advance of $5 million to Charles Scribner's Sons, a unit of Simon & Schuster, after a fiercely contested auction.

Vintage Vinyl

More recently, author Audrey Niffenegger used the store owner, Steve Kay, as a character in her bestseller, The Time Traveler's Wife.

Newberry Library

The Newberry was featured as the workplace of Henry DeTamble, a main character in Audrey Niffenegger's novel "The Time Traveler's Wife;" many scenes in the book are set at the library, and (fictional) members of the library staff play a considerable role in the plot.

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