
unusual facts about Availability, salience and vividness

ALCS transaction monitor

It is a variant of TPF specially designed to provide all the benefits of TPF (very high speed, high volume, and high availability in transaction processing) but with the advantages such as easier integration into the data center offered by running on a standard IBM operating system platform.


In English law, s58 Children Act 2004, limits the availability of the lawful correction defense to common assault under s39 Criminal Justice Act 1988.

Availability, salience and vividness

:Salience refers to the likelihood that something will appear causal, in attribution theory.

Battle of Taegu

The United States, a permanent member of the Security Council, immediately deployed armed forces (U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force units) to southeastern South Korea because of their immediate availability from their bases in Japan and Okinawa, where the military occupation of Japan was still in effect (through 1952).

Beretta Rx4 Storm

The 12.5 inch model may be sold by Beretta-USA only as a "Law Enforcement weapon", and all NFA rules apply to it, as its short barrel length restricts its civilian availability as a "Short Barreled Rifle" (any rifle with a barrel length less than 16 inches as described in the NFA Title 2), a category of firearms which is forbidden to own in certain States and that requires a BATFE Form 4 to be filed and a payment of $200.00.

Bolas spiders

A study by K.F. Haynes (University of Kentucky) showed that the spider adapts to the change in prey availability: One prey species flies from the early evening until 10:30pm, the other only after 11:00pm.

British and Irish Legal Information Institute

Bailii was set up after a long and hard campaign by barrister Laurie West-Knights QC, Lord Saville and Lord Justice Brooke, who were concerned about the lack of availability of court judgments to ordinary court users and were inspired by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) LII.

Cadmium sulfide

The general commercial availability of cadmium sulfide from the 1840s led to its adoption by artists, notably Van Gogh, Monet (in his London series and other works) and Matisse (Bathers by a river 1916–1919).

Caserma Ederle

Depending on the availability of housing upon arrival, personnel accompanied by dependents can live in housing quarters, Italian houses rented by the U.S. Government, government-owned housing units, or on the economy.

Commonwealth Railways NC class

Australian National approached Steamtown to gauge availability of a number of tanker wagons that had been collected in Peterborough.

Community Broadband Network

CBN was launched in the United Kingdom during January 2004 by the then Rural Affairs Minister Alun Michael and Broadband Minister Stephen Timms; at this time the UK was lagging behind neighboring developed countries in the provision of first generation broadband services, leaving significant holes in availability.

Data deduplication

Actifio Protection and Availability Storage (PAS) with Global Deduplication in its Virtual Data Pipeline

English in the Netherlands

In addition to the availability of the British channels BBC One, Two and World and American CNN and the English edition of Al Jazeera, many series broadcast on Dutch channels are broadcast in English (i.e. anglophone TV-series, documentaries) with Dutch subtitles.


The foodplants of this genus are not too well known, but appear to be limited by availability rather than being restricted to a particular lineage of plants; recorded are for example Bidens (beggarticks) and Vaccinium (blueberries and relatives), which are both asterids but otherwise unrelated.

Escape to the Country

As a result of its availability in the Netherlands it features in the novel The Detour.

Extended SMTP

Prior to the availability of 8BITMIME implementations, mail user agents employed several techniques to cope with the seven-bit limitation, such as binary-to-text encodings (including ones provided by MIME) and UTF-7.

Ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase

Specifically, the Ferredoxin-Thioredoxin system controls enzymes in the Calvin Cycle and Pentose phosphate pathway - allowing plants to balance carbohydrate synthesis and degradation based on the availability of light.


The number of gangsa in a set varies with availability, and depends on the tradition of a particular ethnic group of the Luzon Cordillera: Kalinga, Ifugao, Bontoc, etc.


It was chosen as the zero point of the scale because of the availability of very high purity n-heptane, unmixed with other isomers of heptane or other alkanes, distilled from the resin of Jeffrey Pine and from the fruit of Pittosporum resiniferum.

IGFBP7 RNA editing

The major function of the protein is in the regulation of availability of Insulin like growth factors(IGFs) in tissue as well as in modulating IGF binding to its receptors.

International Guide Academy

Now IGA continues its program availability, with a course in Ottawa, Canada; Denver, Colorado; Cuernavaca, Mexico, and on board the NCL Star.

International Partnership for Microbicides

The International Partnership for Microbicides or IPM is a non-profit product development partnership (PDP) founded by Dr. Zeda Rosenberg in 2002 to prevent HIV transmission by accelerating the development and availability of a safe and effective microbicide for use by women in developing countries.

Internet censorship in Hong Kong

In January and February 2008, the Hong Kong Police Force arrested ten people who were accused of obtaining, uploading, or distributing pornographic images after Emperor Entertainment Group (EEG), a multi-billion entertainment company, filed a complaint about the availability of the photos on the Internet.

Internet in prisons

In Romania, a survey was conducted in 2008 to access the situation on availability of IT services to inmates in prisons.

Jorge Jiménez

Among other he chaired the AIDS discussion group at two World Health Assemblies (2000 and 2001), represented WHO in the joint meeting with the European Commission in September 2000 on poverty related diseases that led to important international policy changes related to drug availability for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria.

M109 howitzer

M109A2s and M109A3s improved with Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical / Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (NBC/RAM) improvements, including air purifiers, heaters, and Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) gear.

Marathon Technologies

In the spring of 2008 the company released everRun VM for Citrix XenServer the first in the series of v-Available products from Marathon Technologies that provides fault-tolerant high availability and disaster recovery protection.

Marie Porter

She cited the scarcity of Canadian-themed fashion as her inspiration, contrasting it with the ease of availability of clothing featuring the Union Jack or Stars and Stripes.

Metal Drift

In early 2011 availability spread to other online digital distribution platforms such as Direct2Drive and Desura.


This technology was offered to Tata Chemicals under a long-term MoU after due studies on bio-availability across the population strata conducted and published by NIN.

Opel Kadett B

However, the early 1970s saw increasing awareness of the dangers to health arising from lead being added to road fuel, and the oil companies responded to the resulting political and regulatory pressures by reducing both the levels of lead in fuel and the availability at filling stations of higher octane petrol/gasoline.

Orrin Keepnews

Their most significant early move came in 1955, when they were made aware of the availability of Thelonious Monk, who was able to terminate his contract with Prestige Records and became Riverside's first major artist.


PRTG Network Monitor: Network availability and usage monitoring software

Palm Pre

On July 7, 2009, Telefónica announced that they would exclusively carry the Palm Pre in the UK, Spain, Ireland and Germany on their O2 and Movistar networks, with availability "before the winter holidays".


The biggest advantage of recombineering is that it obviates the need for conveniently positioned restriction sites, whereas in conventional genetic engineering, DNA modification is often compromised by the availability of unique restriction sites.

Roy Blount, Jr.

To criticism from the American National Federation of the Blind, he replied that free audio availability of copyright works to the blind is provided for automatically by American copyright laws.

Sacramento Station

Rental car companies: Hertz and Enterprise both service the station with pick-up and drop-off availability, though neither has a desk inside the station.

Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique du Bois Marie

In the 1990s it became obvious that the lack of availability of the SGA was becoming more and more of a problem to researchers and graduate students in algebraic geometry: not only are the copies in book form too few for the growing number of researchers, but they are also difficult to read because of the way they are typeset (on an electric typewriter, with mathematical formulae written by hand).


The southern half of the shire is served by Melbourne radio stations, however the availability of media north of the 'Great Divide' is severely limited, with only scratchy reception from Shepparton (ONE-FM) and Alexandra (UG-FM) based community radio, and the two Shepparton based commercial stations, and ABC.

Sheyenne River

US Army Corps of Engineers officials stated that Lisbon was forced to hire contractors from Willmar, Minnesota, some five hours away, due to the lack of availability of local equipment.

Shortspine thornyhead

Further, heightened levels of lactate dehydrogenase, specifically the anaerobic isoform- LDH-A in the heart and muscles of S. alascanus, suggests an adaptive mechanism for ATP production during low oxygen availability.

Siege of Dunlap's Station

The Northwest Territory had been established in 1787, within which Judge Symmes had organized the Miami Company and then advertised the availability of this land.

Simurobi Gele'alo

To combat the chronic poverty in this woreda, FARM-Africa has sponsored projects in two kebeles that are expected to benefit 4,169 people directly, and a further 60,000 people will benefit from the availability of improved animal health care from animal health workers trained by FARM-Africa.

Tasman Limited

In December 1955, with an increase in patronage and the availability of purpose-built ACS articulated saloon and buffet carriages, the Tasman began being drawn by X class locomotives, often with a headboard for the service.

Topknot Pigeon

Birds can often be found from Cape York in Queensland to the South Coast of New South Wales near the coast but have been seen as far south as Tasmania and the Gippsland Lakes in Victoria, depending on food availability.

Tux Games

Tux Games, being one of the oldest retailers, is one of the few places still selling Loki Software stock, although their availability is still variable.

Upington Airport

Upington was chosen because of its strategic position, availability of land and comparatively lower height above sea level than Johannesburg.

Valmet M76

The Valmet M76, M72 and M78 have been used as props to simulate the AK-47 and related Soviet weapons in a number of US films during the Cold War, most notably Red Dawn, Commando and Firefox, most likely due to their availability.


The FDA has announced the availability of a qualified health claim for reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) on conventional foods that contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.

Wiki journalism

Where Wikinews – and indeed Wikipedia - has been most successful, however, is in covering large news events involving large numbers of people, such as Hurricane Katrina and the Virginia Tech Shootings, where first hand experience, or the availability of first hand accounts, forms a larger part of the entry, and where the wealth of reportage makes a central ‘clearing house’ valuable.

see also