Fontographer, developed by von Ehr for the Mac and released in January 1986 —before Adobe Illustrator— was the first commercially available Bézier curve editing software for a personal computer.
Deformation of the hull is based on the concept of so-called hyper-patches, which are three-dimensional analogs of parametric curves such as Bézier curves, B-splines, or NURBs.
Draw tools: Support drawing lines, arcs/ellipses/chords, (rounded) rectangles, polygons, Bézier paths, clipped paths, raster images, scanlines, raster operations.
PS included many features not found in QD, notably Bézier curves and outline fonts.
The 'Escape' mechanism in question allows applications (not metafiles) to access output device features not yet abstracted by GDI, such as hardware accelerated Bézier curves, encapsulated postscript support, etc.
light curve | Bézier curve | The Bell Curve | Lorenz curve | elliptic curve | Curve | Engel curve | Curve fitting | Curve (band) | bell curve | Water retention curve | Trouble with the Curve | The New Adventures of Curve | The J Curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall | The Horseshoe Curve | Singular point of a curve | Roulette (curve) | Pseudoholomorphic curve | Phase response curve | Pedal curve | Normal curve equivalent | Melting curve analysis | Lissajous curve | Laffer curve | Kuznets curve | Kruithof curve | Indifference curve | hyperelliptic curve | Halton Curve | Elliptic curve primality testing |
In 2006 a set of specialised nodes for creating simple shapes such as: Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Torus, Box and Bézier Lathe were added to make Seamless3d easier for the novice to quickly make simple models.