
unusual facts about Bézout's identity

Secret sharing using the Chinese remainder theorem

By Bézout's identity, since (m i,M/m i) = 1, there exist positive integers r i and s i, that can be found using the Extended Euclidean algorithm, such that r i.m i+s i.M/m i = 1.

Abel's identity

It is especially useful for equations such as Bessel's equation where the solutions do not have a simple analytical form, because in such cases the Wronskian is difficult to compute directly.

Brahmagupta's identity

The identity is a generalization of the so-called Fibonacci identity (where n=1) which is actually found in Diophantus' Arithmetica (III, 19).

Lagrange's identity

Since the right-hand side of the identity is clearly non-negative, it implies Cauchy's inequality in the finite-dimensional real coordinate spacen and its complex counterpart ℂn.

Vinogradov's theorem

In 1977 R. C. Vaughan found a much simpler argument, based on what later became known as Vaughan's identity Vaughan's identity.

see also