
unusual facts about Brahmagupta's identity

Brahmagupta's identity

The identity is a generalization of the so-called Fibonacci identity (where n=1) which is actually found in Diophantus' Arithmetica (III, 19).

Abel's identity

It is especially useful for equations such as Bessel's equation where the solutions do not have a simple analytical form, because in such cases the Wronskian is difficult to compute directly.

Brahmagupta's interpolation formula

Brahmagupata's interpolation formula is a second-order polynomial interpolation formula developed by the Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta (598–668 CE) in the early 7th century CE.

Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya

Further, it considers the role of the law-givers like Manu in establishing the supremacy of the idealist traditions, and how due to the censor and censure anti-idealists like Varahamihira and Brahmagupta worked out their philosophies in distinctive Aesopian language, developing their own modes of camouflaging their ideas.

Indian numerals

The addition of zero as a tenth positional digit is documented from the 7th century by Brahmagupta, though the earlier Bakhshali Manuscript, written sometime before the 5th century, also included zero.

Lagrange's identity

Since the right-hand side of the identity is clearly non-negative, it implies Cauchy's inequality in the finite-dimensional real coordinate spacen and its complex counterpart ℂn.

Methods of computing square roots

Pell's equation (also known as Brahmagupta equation since he was the first to give a solution to this particular equation) and its variants yield a method for efficiently finding continued fraction convergents of square roots of integers.

Negative number

The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta, in Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta (written in A.D. 628), discussed the use of negative numbers to produce the general form quadratic formula that remains in use today.

Quadratic formula

The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta (597–668 AD) was first to clearly describe the quadratic formula, although prior civilizations had investigated quadratic equations, understood them fairly well, and developed methods for solving them.

Secret sharing using the Chinese remainder theorem

By Bézout's identity, since (m i,M/m i) = 1, there exist positive integers r i and s i, that can be found using the Extended Euclidean algorithm, such that r i.m i+s i.M/m i = 1.

Vinogradov's theorem

In 1977 R. C. Vaughan found a much simpler argument, based on what later became known as Vaughan's identity Vaughan's identity.

see also