Between 1809 and 1822 Mrs. Ibbetson contributed more than fifty papers to Nicholson's Journal and the Philosophical Magazine on the microscopic structure and physiology of plants, including such subjects as air-vessels, pollen, perspiration, sleep, winter-buds, grafting, impregnation, germination, and the Jussieuean method.
Twigs and buds of alder are only fair browse for wildlife, though deer and elk do browse the twigs in fall and twigs and buds in the winter and spring.
The larvae have been recorded in deserted nests of wasps of the Polistes genus, galls on flower buds of Acacia binervata, egg sacs of the spider Nephila edulis as well as dead insects and dead leaves.
It is widely cultivated in South Africa for its edible buds and flowers, used in the recipe Waterblommetjiebredie.
A meritorious naval officer, he was soon selected for the BUDS (Basic Underwater Demolition School)/ SEAL course at San Diego, USA, and emerged from the course with flying colours.
Buds Public School is K-12 school located in Dubai which follows a Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi curriculum.
The larvae have been recorded feeding on buds and young shoots of a wide range of plants, including Flagellaria, Macadamia integrifolia, Castanospermum australe, Erythrina, Callerya megasperma, Wisteria, Cassia fistula, Alectryon coriaceus, Brachychiton acerifolius and Cupaniopsis.
C. spinosa, simply known as caper, yields fruit and more importantly flower buds, which are widely used pickled as a vegetable condiment.
The larvae feed on the flower buds and developing florets of Centaurea scabiosa.
D. bholua 'Peter Smithers' — this variety can be traced to seed collected by Sir Peter Smithers in the Daman Ridge area of Nepal; the buds are dark red-purple and the flowers are pink.
D. bholua 'Darjeeling' — this was developed at the Royal Horticultural Society's gardens at Wisley in the late 1970s; it has a vigorous upright habit and produces white to pale pink buds and flowers, 5 to 15 per infloresescence, between November and January.
Dongfang meiren is the chhiⁿ-sim tōa-phàⁿ (青心大冇) cultivar grown without pesticides to encourage a common pest, the tea green leafhopper (Jacobiasca formosana), to feed on the leaves, stems, and buds.
Spring foods are mainly tree buds and flowers, insects, bird eggs, and seeds of red maple (Acer rubrum), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), and elms.
It feeds on a variety of young leaves, leaf and flower buds, bark, fruits, certain petioles (e.g. Fagus longipetiolata), seeds (e.g. Prunus spp. and Sorbus spp.), and insect larvae.
They have also partaken of the berries of the common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), as well as Coprosma and Cyathodes, and even leaf buds of the Common Osier (Salix viminalis).
Her screenplay for Best Buds was sold to Vendome Pictures and Natalie Portman is attached to produce and star in the film.
The "lily" flower buds known as jīnzhēn (金针, "golden needles") in Chinese cuisine are actually from the daylily Hemerocallis fulva.
Attempts to grow the tree in plantations have been unsuccessful because the buds are attacked by the psyllid fly Phytolyma lata.
Pdx1+ pancreatic progenitor cells also co-express Hlxb9, Hnf6, Ptf1a and Nkx6-1, and these progenitor cells form the initial pancreatic buds, which further proliferate and branch in response to FGF-10 signaling.
Grey mould (Class Leotiomycetes: Family Sclerotiniceae) Botrytis cineria – On roses grey mould is primarily a disease of the flowers and buds, leaves are infrequently attacked.
Decorative panels situated near the building's entrance feature Art Deco and Egyptian elements, including rows of chevrons and a guilloché of lotus buds.
The larvae feed on flower buds and young leaves of Galium species.
Tea, a traditional beverage made from steeping the processed leaves, buds, or twigs of the tea bush (Camellia sinensis) in water.
The band formed in 1986 and were named after the H. E. Bates novel The Darling Buds of May – a title taken in turn, from the third line of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18: "Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May".
The story of Wu Song avenging his brother is parodied in the film, with the Buds playing important roles in affecting how the story unfolds.
It also will feed on the buds of some plants, sometimes to the extent of stripping the branches of ornamentals such as fiddlewoods.
In Alaska, the main dietary item of the adults at all times of year is willows such as the Alaska willow Salix alaxensis, with leaves being eaten in summer and buds, twigs and catkins supplying the birds' main nutritional needs in winter and early spring.
The larvae feed on the leaves, buds, flowers and fruit of Gossypium, Nephelium lappaceum and Durio zibethinus.
In the early summer, the larvae attack the flower buds, flowers, young fruit, and young growth of Opuntia species, while in the late summer and autumn they are predacious on cochineal mealy bugs of the Dactylopius genus, which feed on prickly pear.