During the early stages of World War II, from January – May 1942, Imperial Japanese Army quickly overran Burma, and after the capture of Rangoon, freed Baw Maw from prison.
In 1924 Ba Maw obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Bordeaux, France.
However, later in 1943, he was invited to the nominally independent State of Burma by President Ba Maw as a special advisor on economics and finance.
In 1943, the Japanese commuted the sentence of Dr. Ba Maw, an outspoken advocate for Burmese self-rule, and installed him as the head of the puppet government.
Nicholas Maw | Maw | Brand new 63d MAW C-141As on the ramp at Norton AFB, 1967. Serial 66-0177 is in foreground. This aircraft will become the famous "Hanoi Taxi | Ba Maw | Hanging Maw |
Ba Maw was afterwards declared head of state, and his cabinet included both Aung San as War Minister and the Communist leader Thakin Than Tun as Minister of Land and Agriculture as well as the Socialist leaders Thakins Nu and Mya.