
2 unusual facts about Baalbek

Bijapur Fort

Two centuries later, in 1877, during the British rule, due to scarcity (famine conditions) Bijapur city was found in a desolate and deserted state that was compared to similarly placed ruined cities of Baalbek in Bekaa Valley of Lebanon or Pompeiopolis in Rome.

Giovanni Battista Montano

Baalbek, Petra, Sabratha and Leptis Magna are the finest examples of the late Imperial architecture in the Eastern Empire admired by Borromini.


Officially, Ainata is considered a village of the Baalbek District, but it is sometimes considered a village of the Bsharri District, mostly because its name "Ainata-Al Ariz" means "Ainata-The Cedars", in reference to the Cedars of God near Bsharri.

Beryl Goldwyn

She performed in the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, and the United States, and at the Baalbek festival in Lebanon, where she shared the programme with Fairuz (فيروز) the famous Lebanese singer and legend.

Emile Rahme

After an unsuccessful attempt year 2000 to enter the Lebanese Parliament, he was elected member of the parliament for the Maronite seat of Baalbek-El Hermel district with 109,060 votes on the 7th of June 2009; his score is the highest amongst all elected members of the parliament in Lebanon.

Geography of Lebanon

The Biqa Valley is watered by two rivers that rise in the watershed near Baalbek: the Orontes flowing north (in Arabic it is called Nahr al Asi, "the Rebel River", because this direction is unusual), and the Litani flowing south into the hill region of the southern Biqa Valley, where it makes an abrupt turn to the west in southern Lebanon and is thereafter called the Al Qasmiyah River.

Ignatius III Atiyah

The synod proclaimed Ignatius III Atiyah as the only Patriarch, and Cyril Dabbas he was brought in chains to Ras-Baalbek and exiled near Hermel, where shortly later he was executed by men of the Emir.

Islamic Jihad Organization

Based at Baalbek in the Beqaa valley, the group aligned 200 Lebanese Shiite militants financed by Iran and trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ contingent previously sent by Ayatollah Khomeini to fight the June 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.


Al Judaideh, or the New Fakehe, is a little village located in the northern part of the Baalbek District of Lebanon, on the main road between the city of Baalbek and the city of Hermil.

Megalithic architectural elements

The term also describes the groups of three stones in the Hunebed tombs of the Netherlands and the three massive stones forming part of the wall of the Roman Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek, Lebanon.


In Greater Syria, including Lebanon, the wheat variety salamouni cultivated in the region around the Golan Heights, Galilee, Judea and Samaria, Jezreel Valley, Hawran and in Mount Lebanon, Bekaa Valley and Baalbek was considered (in the mid-19th century) as particularly well suited for making bulgur, a basic ingredient of tabbouleh.

Where Do We Go Now?

The film was shot in Taybeh a village near Baalbek because the town contains a Church neighboring a mosque, other towns were used during the shooting like Meshmesh, Douma, and Jeita's Church Al-Saydeh.

see also