The now disused Balaclava railway station served the Kingston to Montego Bay main line.
The town became famous for the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War thanks to the suicidal Charge of the Light Brigade, a British cavalry charge due to a misunderstanding sent up a valley strongly held on three sides by the Russians, in which about 250 men were killed or wounded, and over 400 horses lost, effectively reducing the size of the mounted brigade by two thirds and destroying some of the finest light cavalry in the world to no military purpose.
Balaclava | Battle of Balaclava | Balaclava railway station | Balaclava railway station, Jamaica |
French ban on face covering is an act of parliament passed by the Senate of France on 14 September 2010, resulting in the ban on the wearing of face-covering headgear, including masks, helmets, balaclava, niqābs and other veils covering the face in public places, except under specified circumstances.
The balaclava-clad insurgents were dressed mainly in black and armed with AK-47s and grenade launchers.
The east window and a tablet close by are in memory of Colonel Jeyns, who rode down the Valley of Death at Balaclava, and survived.
Many streets in the suburb were named in the late 1850s after Crimea War locations and people, for example, Cardigan, Canrobert, Inkerman, Alma, Raglan, and Balaclava.
Peto, Betts and Brassey built at great speed the Grand Crimean Central Railway which enabled supplies, particularly heavy ammunition, to be transported from Balaclava to the British troops engaged in the siege of Sevastopol in the Crimean War.
Originated as a village of ironstone miners, it was built in 1854-1855 and named after the victorious Battle of Inkerman of the Crimean War, similarly to Balaclava, another County Durham village.
He went on to assist in running the General Hospital at Balaclava.
The suburb is linked via Mornington Road with the suburbs of Mornington to the north and Balaclava to the south.
There is a mural of the Lady of St Kilda on the Sandringham Railway Line overpass at Balaclava, Victoria commissioned by the City of Port Phillip.
On 11 May 1887 the 5.30 p.m. train from Flinders Street station to Balaclava came to a standstill just before Windsor station because the outer home signal was at danger.