
2 unusual facts about Banca


Bangka Island, an island lying east of Sumatra, part of Indonesia

Banca, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, a commune of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques département, France


After World War II, it acquired several other credit unions (populare): Treviso in 1950, Polesine in 1980, Cavarzere in 1982, and Valdagno in 1987 In that same year the bank took the name, Banca Popolare Veneta.

Banca Civica

Banca Cívica, S.A. (not to be confused with ethical banking) was a Spanish "Institutional Protection System" (Spanish: Sistema Institucional de Protección, or SIP) that comprised the savings banks of Caja Navarra, Caja Canarias, Caja de Burgos and Cajasol.


Close personal ties between BPL Managing Director Gianpiero Fiorani and Banca d'Italia Governor Antonio Fazio ensured prompt authorization of BPL's requests, while those of ABN Amro were stalled.

Nerio Nesi

Shortly after he created the office Credit and Insurance of PSI (of which he was chief from 1977 to 1978) and continued his climb unabated: it was actually president of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) in the Eighties and until the fall of Berlin Wall, he worked as a business journalist at the RAI in Turin and as an engineer at the Olivetti.

Piazza della Scala

Most of the architecture of the square is due to architect Luca Beltrami, who designed the eponymous palace, the facade of Palazzo Marino, and the Banca Commerciale Italiana building.

Santander Group

In March 2008, Banco Santander sold Interbanca, a subsidiary of Banca Antonveneta, to GE Commercial Finance, receiving in return GE Money businesses in Germany, Finland and Austria, and GE's card and auto-financing businesses in the UK, which it integrated with Santander Consumer Finance.

Sidney Sonnino

The newly established Banca d'Italia was the result of a merger of three existing banks of issue (the Banca Nazionale and two banks from Tuscany).

see also