
unusual facts about Banja Tejan-Sie

Banja Tejan-Sie

In 1967, a military coup overthrew the government and set up the National Reformation Council.

American Knees

A film adaptation, entitled Americanese (2006), was written and directed by Eric Byler, produced by Lisa Onodera, and stars Chris Tashima as Raymond Ding, Allison Sie as Aurora Crane and Joan Chen as Betty Nguyen.

Colorado Ballet

Be Beautiful Be Yourself - Based on Boston Ballet’s “Adaptive Dance” program and supported by the Anna and John J. Sie Center for Down Syndrome at Children’s Hospital Colorado and the Global Down Syndrome Foundation, the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Dance program provides 10 weekly dance classes to ten 5-9 year-old-children with Down syndrome.

Eleanor Tomlinson

Tomlinson played Kirsten in the Pro Sieben international production Hepzibah - Sie holt dich im Schlaf alongside David Bamber under the direction of Robert Sigl.

Electricity sector in the Dominican Republic

In 2006, by request of President Leonel Fernández, the CDEEE, the CNE and the SIE designed a Comprehensive Plan for the Electricity Sector for the period 2006-2012.

Elisabeth Rotten

1930 bis 1934 wirkte sie in der Gartenstadt Hellerau, u.a. als Mitbegründerin der Staatlichen Wohlfahrtsschule Hellerau, in dieser Zeit gründete sie auch zusammen mit Jean Piaget die Schweizerische Montessori-Gesellschaft und war von 1937 bis zu ihrem Tode im Jahre 1964 Vizepräsidentin der Association Montessori Internationale.

Fertig, Los!

Their song "Sie ist in mich verliebt" was included in the soundtrack to FIFA 07.

Gender-specific and gender-neutral pronouns

Sometimes the distinction is neutralized in the plural, as in most modern Germanic languages (examples of gender-neutral third-person plural pronouns include English they and German sie), and also in modern Russian (where the equivalent pronoun is они oni).

GeoNetwork opensource

The software has been deployed to various organizations, the first being FAO GeoNetwork and WFP VAM-SIE-GeoNetwork, both at their headquarters in Rome, Italy.

German conjugation

Third person: 'He', 'She', 'It'; (Er, Sie, Es) with the same form for all three

Heinz Neumann

At the same time, he encouraged fighting the Nazis and coined the slogan "Schlagt die Faschisten, wo ihr sie trefft!" (Beat the Fascists wherever you meet them!), valid until 1932.

Ilija Trojanow

Kulturen bekämpfen sich nicht - sie fließen zusammen, Munich, 2007 (with Ranjit Hoskote)

Jacek Fedorowicz

Throughout 60’s and 70’s he performed on stage, first in Kabaret Wagabunda (with Lidia Wysocka, Maria Koterbska, Mieczysław Czechowicz and Bogumił Kobiela, among others), afterwards in a programme Popierajmy się (with Bohdan Łazuka, Tadeusz Ross, Piotr Szczepanik and Ryszard Markowski).

Jaya Group of Colleges

The group was the first international chapter of the Sigma Iota Epsilon (SIE) outside USA.

Jerzy Płaczkiewicz

Between 1990-2000, for Polish Radio III, he wrote: Muzyczne wspomnienie o Marlenie Dietrich, Tajemnicza Pani Zarah Leander, Stare Rosyjskie Sentymentalne Tango, Rosjanie lubili nasze piosenki, Droga Pani Kalino !, Głosy spoza czasu, Głosy prosto z nieba, Urzeczone Paryżem, Wszystko zaczęło się w Buenos aires, Pola - Apolonia - Polita (Pola Negri).

John J. Sie

Sie is a member of the Committee of 100, a non-partisan organization composed of outstanding American citizens of Chinese descent.

The Foundation supports: the University of Colorado’s Sie Family Down Syndrome Break-Through Research Initiative; the University of Denver’s Chair of Italian Language and Culture Anna Maglione-Sie; the Denver School of Science and Technology (DSST); the Denver Art Museum.

John Sie is married and has several children, one of whom is Michelle Whitten.


Describing scenes from tavern, the song juxtaposes the appearance of shady figures ("dunkle Gestalten") and their mysterious dealings with dancing tango ("Und sie tanzen einen Tango").


In 1988, Maanam's "Sie ściemnia" became the first Polish music video to air on the international MTV.

Margarete Hilferding

1904 heiratete sie den Arzt, Ökonomen und Austromarxisten Rudolf Hilferding, der später Finanzminister der Weimarer Republik wurde.

Paulet de Marselha

Paulet also contributed one cobla to Senh'en Jorda, sie·us manda Livernos, a four-way tenso (called a torneyamen) between himself, Guiraut Riquier, Jordan IV of L'Isle-Jourdain, and Raimon Izarn.

So You Don't Know Korff Yet?

So You Don't Know Korff Yet? (German:Nanu, Sie kennen Korff noch nicht?) is a 1938 German comedy crime film directed by Fritz Holl and starring Heinz Rühmann, Victor Janson and Franz Schafheitlin.

The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum

-- Title Case not used for subtitle in authoritative English translations -->(original German title: Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum oder: Wie Gewalt entstehen und wohin sie führen kann) is a 1974 novel by Heinrich Böll.

The Two Towers

In 1999, the Lifeline Theatre in Chicago presented the world première of The Two Towers, adapted for the stage by James Sie and Karen Tarjan, directed by Ned Mochel.

see also