In Cibodas, Banten, a young woman named Minarsih (Fatimah) is rescued from four thugs by the painter Basuki (Basoeki).
Nurul Fikri Boarding School (Pesantren Ibnu Salam, also known with the abbreviation NFBS) is a secondary and high school located in Jalan Palka, Cinangka, Serang, Banten, Indonesia.
Sekolah Menengah Atas Kristen PENABUR Gading Serpong, often shortened to SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong, is a Christian private high school located in Gading Serpong, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia.
Banten |
Anton Apriantono (born Serang, Banten; October 5, 1959) has been Indonesia's Minister of Agriculture since October 2004.
Benteng Chinese refers to a community of Chinese Indonesians residing in Tangerang area, in the Indonesian province of Banten.
De Houtman was introduced to the Sultan of Banten, who promptly entered into an optimistic treaty with the Dutch, writing "We are well content to have a permanent league of alliance and friendship with His Highness the Prince Maurice of Nassau, of the Netherlands and with you, gentlemen."
Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung (1800–1885) was an indigenous evangelist working in East Java, Central Java, West Java and Banten, Indonesia.
Islamiyah Ciputat Vocational High School is a private day school in South Tangerang, Banten for grades 10 through 12.
The adherents of native Sunda Wiwitan belief still celebrate this annual harvest festival, such as Kanekes (Baduy) people, Kasepuhan Banten Kidul, and Cigugur.
Teguh Karya was born Steve Liem Tjoan Hok on 22 September 1937 in Pandeglang, Banten.