The magical Negro is an archetype which was first applied to presidential candidate Obama by movie and culture critic David Ehrenstein, in a Los Angeles Times op ed column of March 19, 2007.
Barack Obama | The Magic Flute | Magic Johnson | Magic: The Gathering | Rio Negro | Negro Ensemble Company | Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008 | Orlando Magic | Yellow Magic Orchestra | Rio Negro (Amazon) | My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | Magic Kingdom | black magic | The Magic School Bus | Río Negro | Magic | magic | The Magic Roundabout | Magic (paranormal) | The Magic Numbers | Río Negro Province | Presidency of Barack Obama | The Magic Mountain | Negro National League | Negro league baseball | Magic: The Gathering World Championship | Magic Mountain | Magic (illusion) | First inauguration of Barack Obama | Blue Magic |
The title of the piece, "Obama the 'Magic Negro'", was later used in a musical parody called Barack the Magic Negro by conservative satirist Paul Shanklin.