
3 unusual facts about Barbados Cricket Buckle

Barbados Cricket Buckle

In the first chapter of his book "Muscular Learning", Professor Clem Seecharan reflects at some length on the importance of the Barbados Cricket Buckle recognising that its depiction on a Barbados postage stamp on the 60th anniversary of West Indies cricket was appropriate given cricket’s role as a “political instrument” from slavery through emancipation to independence.

"That the belt buckle depicts the slave, unmistakably in bondage, with bat in hand, suggests that the creator must have detected in their cricketing endeavours the germ of the quest for self-expression, if not liberation." Professor Clem Seecharan, Muscular Education.

To his left a wattle and daub slave hut can be seen and to the right a cane crushing windmill by an Roystonea oleracea cabbage palm tree.

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