
unusual facts about Barbus

Goliath Heron

Breams, mullet, tilapia and carp have locally been recorded as preferred species.

Lake Barombi Koto

The nothobranchiids Aphyosemion bivittatum, Epiplatys sexfasciatus and Fundulopanchax oeseri, the poeciliid Procatopus similis, and Barbus callipterus are found in the Tung Nsuia and Tung Nsuria streams.

Paulus Barbus

Paulus Barbus (Paul Soncinas) (b. at Soncino, Lombardy, from where comes the name of Soncinas which appears at the head of his books; d. at Cremona, 4 August 1494) was an Italian Dominican philosopher and theologian.

Tinfoil barb

This species was originally described as Barbus schwanenfeldii by Pieter Bleeker in 1853, and has also been placed in the genera Barbodes and Puntius.


Twee River Redfin (Barbus erubescens), a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family

see also