List of molluscan genera represented in the fossil record | List of Rubiaceae genera | List of Coccinellidae genera |
He was the taxonomic authority of several herpetological genera (e.g. Mastigodryas, Anotosaura, Colobodactylus) and of around forty new species (Listing of species described by Amaral at French Wikipedia).
Since its description two other related genera have been described, the late Eocene genus Eulithomyrmex from the Florissant Formation of Colorado, and the living genus Tatuidris from Central and South America.
Recent phylogenentic studies of Crassulaceae indicate that Aichryson is closely related to Monanthes and Aeonium (both genera are also largely endemic to the Canary Islands).
This is a herbivorous bottom dweller (up to 370 m deep), which feeds on seagrasses in the genera Zostera and Posidonia.
He is recognised for his expertise on the genera Drosera and Stylidium.
From there, this family evolved into a wide variety of genera, including Arctocyon (known as/similar to Claenodon in North America), Arctocyonides, Landenodon, and Mentoclaenodon, found in the late Paleocene layers of Cernay, France.
While there is no common name for phayom in the English language, Philippine mahogany is a mixture of Shorea genera.
As a scientist, he was the first to distinguish between the genus Archaeopteryx and the genus Archaeornis; he also discovered new characteristics of the genera Tritylodon and Moeritherium.
Cancer root refers to several varieties of plants in the family Orobanchaceae, particularly genera Conopholis and Orobanche.
Three genera newly described by Norman I. Platnick in 1994 were thus named Notnops, Taintnops and Tisentnops, emphasizing this fact.
It was closer in form to Cymbospondylus and Mixosaurus than more advanced genera like Ichthyosaurus: it did not have the dolphin-like form of later ichthyosaurs; it had a more lizard-like appearance.
The water hemlock belongs to the Apiaceae family and the species within this family are divided into the Cicuta and Oenanthe genera.
In recent classifications, the genus is no longer recognized, and the formerly included species are instead placed in the genera Plectranthus and Solenostemon.
Because its bill is short, it forages at small flowers, including those in the genera Besleria, Cavendishia, Clusia, Guarea, Pithecellobium, Quararibea and Satyria.
Corynanthine, also known as rauhimbine, is an alkaloid found in the Rauwolfia and Pausinystalia (formerly known as Corynanthe) genera of plants.
This combination of characters distinguishes Cosmocalyx from other genera in Rubiaceae.
The aecial hosts are white pines (Pinus subgenus Strobus, family Pinaceae) and the telial hosts include wild and introduced currants and gooseberries (Ribes, family Grossulariaceae), and two genera of the Orobanchaceae, Pedicularis and Castilleja.
Edwin Percy Phillips (18 February 1884 Sea Point, Cape Town - 12 April 1967 Cape Town), was a South African botanist and taxonomist, noted for his monumental work The Genera of South African Flowering Plants first published in 1926.
It is one of the two genera in the banana family, Musaceae, and includes the false banana or enset (E. ventricosum), an economically important foodcrop in Ethiopia.
The phylogenetic analysis conducted by the author indicated that such defined Euhelopodidae, in addition to Euhelopus itself, contained genera Qiaowanlong, Erketu, Daxiatitan, Tangvayosaurus and Phuwiangosaurus as well.
European beech forms ectomycorrhizas with a range of fungi including members of the genera Amanita, Boletus, Cantharellus, Hebeloma and Lactarius; these fungi are important in enhancing uptake of water and nutrients from the soil.
Ferrichrome was first isolated in 1952, has been found to be produced by fungi of the genera Aspergillus, Ustilago, and Penicillium.
Friedrich Boie was the author of several bird species and the hummingbird genus Glaucis, the swallow genus Progne, the cuckoo-shrike genus Minivet, the passerine genus Lipaugus, the owl genus Athene and among other genera the genus Chrysococcyx.
Originally, it was thought that upper and lower molars were pretty much mirror images of each other, and minor details lead to the establishment of two genera: Thomasia and Haramiya.
Hedyotis was formerly defined very broadly by some authors, and included species now placed in Oldenlandia, Oldenlandiopsis, Houstonia, Kadua, and other genera.
Agassiz published this description, along with a further three carangids, in a volume co-authored with the German biologist Johann Baptist von Spix entitled Selecta Genera et Species Piscium Brasiliensium.
Prehistoric icterid genera that have been described from Pleistocene fossil remains are Pandanaris from Rancho La Brea
The first volume of his great work, Système silurien du centre de la Bohême (dealing with trilobites, several genera, including Deiphon, which he personally described), appeared in 1852; and from that date until 1881, he issued twenty-one quarto volumes of text and plates.
The caterpillars of Junonia almana feed on a variety of plants, including Hygrophila auriculata, Phyla nodiflora and species in the genera Acanthus, Barleria and Gloxinia.
Kate Charlton-Robb, born in Mornington Peninsula is an Australian zoologist, molecular genetist, researcher of Monash University, who, along with colleagues, declared in 2011 a new species of Tursiops genera, and formally named Tursiops australis.
Knotweed is a common name for plants in several genera in the Polygonaceae family
: Cotoneaster denticulata
Illustration by Pierre Jean François Turpin
from Kunth, Bonpland, and Humboldt'sregnum = Plantae
The last of these was named in his honour, as were species of several other genera, including Acacia, Aizoon, Scirpus, Thryptomene and Zygophyllum.
The Micropezidae are a moderate-sized family of acalyptrate muscoid flies in the insect order Diptera, comprising about 500 species in about 50 genera and 5 subfamilies worldwide, (except New Zealand and Macquarie Island).
However, a few plants whose pollen contains toxic substances (e.g., Toxicoscordion and related genera in the Melanthieae) are visited by oligolectic bees, and these may fall into the former category.
O. viridulus feeds on grass from the genera Dactylis, Agrostis, Anthoxanthum, Lolium and Holcus.
Pappocetus differs from all other known protocetid genera by the step-like notch on the ventral margin of the mandible below M2 and M3; from Indocetus and Rodhocetus by the deciduous double-rooted P1; from Protocetus and Babiacetus by the presence of accessory cuspules; and from Babiacetus by the unfused symphysis terminating just before P3.
Pea crabs are tiny soft-bodied crabs that live commensally in the mantles of certain bivalve molluscs (and the occasional large gastropod mollusc species in genera such as Strombus and Haliotis).
It included the four genera Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthilia, and Pyrola, and sometimes also the eight genera formerly usually placed in the family Monotropaceae.
The genus's most infamous species is R. conicus which is a controversial agent of biological pest control which has been used against noxious thistles in the genera Carduus, Cirsium, Onopordum, and Silybum.
The fossil genus Insitiocarpus has been found in deposits from the Cenomanian period, while the other extant genera Sabia and Meliosma have been found in European deposits from the Turonian and the Maastrichtian, respectively.
The genus Sabia often are lianas, while those in the genera Meliosma and Ophiocaryon are trees and shrubs; the latter two are sometimes treated in a separate family Meliosmaceae.
Of the nine genera assigned to the Sclerodermatineae, three are hymenomycetes (Boletinellus, Gyroporus, and Phlebopus), and six are gasteroid (Astraeus, Calostoma, Diplocystis, Pisolithus, and Scleroderma).
Morphologically, they are closely linked with the genera Jovibarba, Aeonium, Greenovia, Aichryson, and Monanthes, occurring mainly in Macaronesia (Azores, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Madeira).
Of the three genera, Potiicoara is known only from a cave in Brazil's Mato Grosso, Spelaeogriphus only from a cave on Table Mountain in South Africa, and the two Mangkurtu species only from individual Australian aquifers.
The number of species in the genera was greatly expanded by Robert Raven in 1994.
Candiru (Vandellia cirrhosa), a genera of parasitic catfish native to the Amazon river
The genera Geomyces and Pseudogymnoascus are closely related and found in the family Pseudeurotiaceae, but P. destructans was found to be most closely related to the "Pseudogymnoascus" species, indicating that its name should be changed to Pseudogymnoascus destructans.