
2 unusual facts about Baron Lyttelton

Castle in Hagley Park

The building of the castle (and another folly called the rotunda), was started in 1747 while Sir Thomas Lyttelton was still alive (he died in 1751) so he was not opposed to the modernisation of his park with suitable fashionable ornamental follies, but the credit for its creation is usually given to his son and heir Gorge Lyttelton (the future 1st Lord Lyttelton).

Wychbury Obelisk

Building of obelisk the started in 1747 and was constructed at the same time as George the eldest son and heir of Sir Thomas (and the future 1st Lord Lyttelton), started to refashion Hagley Hall park in the then fashionable Picturesque style.

Thomas Whorwood

The Dudleys had long been at odds with the Lytteltons, the Worcestershire branch of a family descended from the great jurist Thomas de Littleton.

see also