
unusual facts about Bartolozzi

Barcelona International Centre of Photography

On its façade, an icon of the renovation of the neighbourhood, we can still see the paintings by Arranz Bravo and Bartolozzi, restored in 1997.

Elizabeth Germain

These gems were described in two folio volumes entitled Gemmarum antiquarum delectus quse in dactyliothecis Ducis Marlburiensis conservantur, 1781-90; the engravings were chiefly by Bartolozzi, and the Latin text by Jacob Bryant and William Cole (1753-1806)

John Hodges Benwell

They included two scenes from "Auld Robin Gray"; the "Children in the Wood", engraved by William Sharp; and A St. Giles's Beauty and A St. James's Beauty, both engraved by Bartolozzi.

Pietro Bettelini

He received instructions from Gandolfi and Bartolozzi; but in his subsequent works he inclined more to the style of Raphael Morghen.

Samuel Shelley

His water-colours and miniatures were engraved by Bartolozzi, William Nutter, Caroline Watson, and others.

William Nelson Gardiner

His style was similar to that of Francesco Bartolozzi, and Gardiner claimed some of the plates bearing Bartolozzi's name as his own work; he subsequently worked for Bartolozzi.

see also